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Make Hobyo Great Again
Are you slyly implying that the handing over of qalbidhagax and the killing of Somalis in Abdirahman abdishakur house and the persecution of senator qeybdiid and siyaasi Abdirahman abdishakur was a trivial matter?
The only mistake there was that he didn't finish those two hutus off.
Instead he groveled at their feet.
Last i checked, most somalis also lived in Somali galbeed and not only Caghdeer.
But no one shakes their booty for Amxaro like they do.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Boowe with all due respect, nagaa amus.
Under the reign of president abdi iley DDSI has developed tremendously the past 10 years

That’s why jigajiga today is the most developed somali city let’s give credit where credit is due.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The only mistake there was that he didn't finish those two ****s off.
Instead he groveled at their feet.

But no one shakes their booty for Amxaro like they do.
Ogaden are the only clan that stands up against ethiopia name me one other tribe that fights against Ethiopia?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The only mistake there was that he didn't finish those two ****s off.
Instead he groveled at their feet.

But no one shakes their booty for Amxaro like they do.
No other clan has ever claimed to be Ethiopian except them. .

Imagine it was another clan taking 90% of oil revenues? It would have caused a huge war

When its Habeshis though niggas serve them tea
:gucciwhat: first of all i was sleeping for 2 days isku xigta so i wasn't avoiding this thread.:browtf:

Now how can we take on Ethiopia, backed by the west? We tried and we still are but the fight waxaa so galay somali sidiino kale rounding up onlf and handing them over. :camby:

Ilma majerteen did, marehans did and the eydooors did.

Inaga ma wada supermans baan nahay garacya yahay?:draketf:

Ogadan vs Ethiopia and its allies and all Somali tribes minus dir, bantu and cadcads and you neefs think we should have won?:mindblown:

Zoomaalis displaying the famous 68 iq.
I don't know why you guys are surprised. Somalies are to xaasid to each other to see what raw meaters are doing to other somalies. Take farmaajo for example he sold out on several fronts. he to busy stopping somaliland from progressing that he took a major L after L and sold djibouti out in the process. I think Somalia would have to let go of Somaliland. As three countries in the horn of Africa djoubouti,somaliland and somalia we would have karbashed the hell out of ethiopia by now.
What is preventing resistance groups attacking the oil fields? when they become operational.
What resistance group? There's always been one, onlf and they have been crippled by Somalis if we are going to be honest. We all remember what they did in 2007. They delayed the exploration of oil in those fields by more than a decade. What did Ethiopia do? Targetted onlf by using its slaves aka somali people. Sland, puntland and now farmaajo all have worked for Ethiopia to further weaken onlf.

Onlf were all over the place a decade ago, inflicting heavy loses on the Ethiopian army. They can't do that now because somalis made sure, and chose to fight alongside Ethiopia and to no end because they get nothing in return. So who will attack these fields?


What resistance group? There's always been one, onlf and they have been crippled by Somalis if we are going to be honest. We all remember what they did in 2007. They delayed the exploration of oil in those fields by more than a decade. What did Ethiopia do? Targetted onlf by using its slaves aka somali people. Sland, puntland and now farmaajo all have worked for Ethiopia to further weaken onlf.

Onlf were all over the place a decade ago, inflicting heavy loses on the Ethiopian army. They can't do that now because somalis made sure, and chose to fight alongside Ethiopia and to no end because they get nothing in return. So who will attack these fields?

That is true however ONLF doesn't have to be the one to attack it. It can be the ordinary folks
since the oil fields are in the middle of the Somali region and elsewhere. It will take a couple of guerrilla attacks and others to disrupt and chase away the oil companies. It is the will that matters. Where there's a will there's a way.

There is nothing the people of Ogaden can do. The casualties they have suffered is to heavy to the point these people are so abused they they think they ethiopian. The british gave the Palestians land to the isralies. But we have our own palestinian cause in africa exactly 100 years prior to that happening it was the british that signed over the somali lands in ogadeen to the abbysinians. The land was signed over and given to haile salesia. Right now somalies are to busy fighting each other and underminding each other to know that Somali weyne is dead. the sooner Somalies realize that the better. Somaliland and Somalia And djoubouti are the only ones that can save these people Ethiopia is land locked they need us more then you think. Eriteria hates ethriopia and wouldn't give a shit if somalies attacked them. Hope to see a day where these people are free and masters of their own destiny. Right now Somalia is a disaster full of amisom. Somaliland is doing good but busy searching for recognition and Djbouti is busy fighting of eritera. Nobody can help them realistically. Until we realize we the real power of the horn of africa. and ethiopia is nothing but stolen land.
Imagen them having their own country. Then we would have 4 somali country in the horn of africa but somalies are selfies they will never help them because somalia dreams of somali weyne and ruined the horn of africa Thats Facts
These africans are smarter then us. Kenya and Ethiopia know if we get back on our feet we would come back for our regions. So they busy playing somaliland and somalia of each other. Eriteria violates djoubouti. We busy fighting for our recognition and cosy up to anyone even ethiopia to survive somalia is violating our people in ogadeen While we aint looking they hungry for our natural resources lets face it these people are smarter then us. :dzmxmmb:
and I don't give a shit about somalia I don't believe in a greater somalia but I care about my people. especially the lands they stole. I am more of a believer in a greater somaliland. This is not a exact map cuz we keeping zeila lol but you get the point recognition first then we expanding.

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