A common statement on this forum that pisses me off to no end...


every society has their mistakes and has fitna where not different but stop with the fucking exaggerations.

Abu Malik al-Ash’ari reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Four traits in my nation are among the affairs of ignorance that they have not abandoned: boasting over status, disparaging over lineage, seeking rain by the stars, and wailing over the dead.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 934

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
So forbidding evil and enjoying good is just a "mistake" and "fitnah"?
In the Quran, the obligation of forbidding evil and enjoying good before even Salah, and Allah made it criteria for success. The previous nations, and the hypocrites of the past, they were all described specifically as people who didn't prevent one another from evil, instead they supported it, and they didn't support one another in goodness, but they prevented it.

The believers, both men and women, are allies of one another. They enjoin good, forbid evil, establish Prayer, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Surely Allah will show mercy to them. Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. [9:71]

Let there arise from you a nation inviting to good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.

Cursed by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary were those who disbelieved among the children of Israel. That was because they disobeyed and transgressed. They would not prevent one another from the wrongdoing they did. How evil was that which they were doing.

The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah , so He has forgotten them [accordingly]. Indeed, the hypocrites - it is they who are the defiantly disobedient. [9:67]

You are the best nation produced for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. 3:110


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I hate people like @World with a passion cause they love to generalise sadly this is the problem with all people not just Somalis . They’re the type to group 20 million plus people with their world view which half of the time isn’t accurate.

quote :

30 million people plus are fake religious. Really bro fear Allah you bila adeeb
If Somalis were really religious women wouldn’t be ululating over the death corpses of rival clan men :mjlol:
So forbidding evil and enjoying good is just a "mistake" and "fitnah"?
In the Quran, the obligation of forbidding evil and enjoying good before even Salah, and Allah made it criteria for success. The previous nations, and the hypocrites of the past, they were all described specifically as people who didn't prevent one another from evil, instead they supported it, and they didn't support one another in goodness, but they prevented it.

This nacaas I’m not excusing what these people are doing . Im merely correcting you claiming we’re not a religious society .

we’re not perfect and these clan wars are haram but you’re taking it to a whole other level by saying we’re not religious . We have traits of jahilliyah that exists like any other society and fitnah is also prevalent like any other society .

That doesn’t take away our religiosity.


This nacaas I’m not excusing what these people are doing . Im merely correcting you claiming we’re not a religious society .

we’re not perfect and these clan wars are haram but you’re taking it to a whole other level by saying we’re not religious . We have traits of jahilliyah that exists like any other society and fitnah is also prevalent like any other society .

That doesn’t take away our religiosity.
I didn't say you are excusing them, but you said a child memorising the quran they dont understand is proof of our religiosity, and our lack of enjoying good and forbidding evil as simply a mistake.

How does that work when theres no praise mentioned in the quran in it's memorisation, whilst enjoying good and forbidding evil is mentioned as the criteria of success for a nation, mentioned as the first obligation of muslims before even salah, and that the hypocrites and worst nations in the past did the opposite?
I didn't say you are excusing them, but you said a child memorising the quran they dont understand is proof of our religiosity, and our lack of enjoying good and forbidding evil as simply a mistake.

How does that work when theres no praise mentioned in the quran in it's memorisation, whilst enjoying good and forbidding evil is mentioned as the criteria of success for a nation, mentioned as the first obligation of muslims before even salah, and that the hypocrites and worst nations in the past did the opposite?

You’re missing my point again stop exaggerating calling 35 million plus fake religious . We have our wrongs but you’re just Here generalising . We have our shortcoming like any society but does that take away our love for the deen .

Lol Somalis as a whole compared to many Muslim countries are religious.


Prima Hablood
You’re missing my point again stop exaggerating calling 35 million plus fake religious . We have our wrongs but you’re just Here generalising . We have our shortcoming like any society but does that take away our love for the deen .

Lol Somalis as a whole compared to many Muslim countries are religious.
I understand Homer!!!
wallahi I reread the first one I just can’t take this guy serious . Somehow we were way less religous before the war literally first time hearing this sort of rhetoric .

quote :

But they’re not religious at all, they don’t follow Islam and in reality they are less religious than before.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We have become more religious?

Is this the same country where people are pushed off their property, where buried bodies are being extorted, where children starve while food aid meant for them is sold on the open market, where gangrapes has become common place, where the entire population is addicted to a narcotic, where bribery and corruption have become a fact of life...

The civil war has turned us into animals.
We have become more religious?

Is this the same country where people are pushed off their property, where buried bodies are being extorted, where children starve while food aid meant for them is sold on the open market, where gangrapes has become common place, where the entire population is addicted to a narcotic, where bribery and corruption have become a fact of life...

The civil war has turned us into animals.
No doubt the civil Brought bad amongst our people but since when was :

. Hijab as prevalent as it is now
. Quran read as much as now
. Mosques as packed as it was before
. Secularism literally is not tolerated
. We all follow the same aqeedah
. Somalis are the only people I can figure out where they tie there nationality to the deen
( not supporting by the way )
.shariah has not been advocated as much as now
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Somalia is worse in every metric after the war. Even religiously.

Women wearing jilbab does not make a country religious. Human life has no value or sanctity in many parts of Somalia and qabyalad is thriving more than ever.

Besides many Muslim countries became more religious after the 80’s, without a war. Somalia could have just been one of them, instead of hundreds of thousands of people senselessly losing their lives.


Forza Somalia!
These comments generally come from guys with large butts in London. Basically they have no life other than this, having big butts, and speaking in retarded accent.
If somalis back home actually became religious salafis after the civil war it would actually be a good thing. And i’m not even a salafi lol.

But they’re not religious at all, they don’t follow Islam and in reality they are less religious than before.
Almost every single Somali prays 5 times a day and fasts ramadan, even those "liberal" women on the pic would do that.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
No doubt the civil Brought bad amongst our people but since when was :

. Hijab as prevalent as it is now
. Quran read as much as now
. Mosques as packed as it was before
. Secularism literally is not tolerated
. We all follow the same aqeedah
. Somalis are the only people I can figure out where they tie there nationality to the deen
( not supporting by the way )
.shariah has not been advocated as much as now

All superficial and for show. Our so called elites steal money to go to Hajj for PR for gods sake.

Outward expressions of faith cannot be taken seriously when our very soul as a people has been destroyed, where injustice and corruption is the rule of the day, where the strong trample the weak, the rich extort the poor, where justice only exists if you belong to a particular community in a particular region or city, where the honest is ridiculed as a naive miskiin while the liar is a libaax, where human life has no value.

How anybody can look at the current state of Somalia and the Somali people and see nothing but moral depravity of the highest order is beyond me.

If Somalia is an example of an Islamic society, expect mass apostasy :icon lol:
If Somalis were really religious women wouldn’t be ululating over the death corpses of rival clan men :mjlol:
Bro singlehandedly tanked Reer Kangaroo's reputation as an intelligent, level-headed diaspora with his retarded "Don't generalise our Muslim brothers and sisters 🥺" cries while the rest of us were sleeping.

Working Stock Market GIF by Adult Swim
Lol Islamic dawah had been active in Somalia well before the civil war, salafist organisations were present during the eighties, even my own mother and aunt was a member of the jamiat Islam and so were many other relatives. You make it seem like we had a choice between a civil war to bring back religiosity or carrying on as secular, when that simply wasn’t the case.
Are you slow? I'm calling out people who do think that is the case. I don't.

Maybe read more carefully next time.
All superficial and for show. Our so called elites steal money to go to Hajj for PR for gods sake.

Outward expressions of faith cannot be taken seriously when our very soul as a people has been destroyed, where injustice and corruption is the rule of the day, where the strong trample the weak, the rich extort the poor, where justice only exists if you belong to a particular community in a particular region or city, where the honest is ridiculed as a naive miskiin while the liar is a libaax, where human life has no value.

How anybody can look at the current state of Somalia and the Somali people and see nothing but moral depravity of the highest order is beyond me.

If Somalia is an example of an Islamic society, expect mass apostasy :icon lol:

yeah 35 million people were doing this for all show alright than lol .
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yeah 35 million people were doing this for all show alright than lol
How about you stop crying like a little kid about how "insensitive" they're being and actually try to digest the legitimate points @World and @Bahal are making about how disgustingly corrupt our society is.

If you think Somalia is more religious now, then you're inadvertently saying that the implementation of Islam creates bad societies.