A former Jamaican rapper from the UK joins his Somali friend to join a "militia" (can't confirm)

Somalia is just a funny place. How does a Jamaican end up joining a qabiil war. 😂😂

This actually backs up a theory I have always had that qabiil wars are very similar to postcode wars. Both are fighting over territory and resources. Both are claiming areas and doing get backs and are dedicated to expanding the territory.

And the fact that a UK gang member can do easily transition into that shows that they are pretty much the same.

This is why I always say this is easily why Somali gangs are so similar to AAs. If we follow the current rate of following our qabil war/gang culture way we are finished in the West.
This is why I always say this is easily why Somali gangs are so similar to AAs. If we follow the current rate of following our qabil war/gang culture way we are finished in the West.
Start chopping off hands for stealing and starting Qabiil wars. That shit will die off quickly. South became calm under ICU
Hes gonna get some suqaar tuna :icon lol:
I think he prefers HY baryaweyn suqaar :icon lol:

