A gender war is coming.

Time to make money off this I’m gonna make a website just for people to argue bout shit :heh:women arguing with men, maadows arguing with cadaans, Indians arguing with Pakistanis :shaq: Imma be a billionaire by 2040


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
You guys need to go touch Grass
Somali Gender wars are purely an Online thing
stop acting like it will affect your day to day lives

Dumarland exists only online because the owners are secretly somali gaals who wear croptops and if they came out irl would loose 60% of their followers


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
Gender wars fell off its 2025, most people have grown up and got better things to do also it would be pathetic of anyone to use a rape case as an excuse to bash the opposite gender.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
There's this weird tendency shared by all somalis man or women. Where they love to go off the deep end. In the men you see this with all the "Somalia is doomed" and " where the worst people in all of hsitory". Rhetoric. In women it comes when talking about gender based violence.

What happned to this women is obviously a tragedy and they need to catch those haywaans.

But this apocalyptic doomeer mindset is a mental illness among somalis
Facts some of these people are obsessed with negativity and complaining where it becomes counterproductive and can lead to hysteria.

Islamically it’s forbidden to say such statements such as a people are doomed or generalizing an entire people.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
When a person says that people are ruined he is himself ruined. Abu Ishaq said: I do not know whether he said" ahlakahum or ahlakuhum.

Also when a calamity strikes, chronic complaining is often discouraged and in some cases haram

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is afflicted by a pressing need and complains to people, his need will never be satisfied. Whoever is afflicted by a pressing need and complains to Allah, eventually Allah will provide for him, sooner or later.”

In a world of social media, it is often encouraged to talk about hardships online. A lot of cases it’s unproductive. Inshallah the victim gets justice and the criminal gets what he deserves but cases like this we should abide by the sunnah when a calamity strikes.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Gender wars fell off its 2025, most people have grown up and got better things to do also it would be pathetic of anyone to use a rape case as an excuse to bash the opposite gender.
@Shimbiris In The developed countries and especially in the west there is a huge split forming between young women and young men

Young women are die hard liberals and want feminism to continue while men are going hard in the opposite direction


Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
@Shimbiris In The developed countries and especially in the west there is a huge split forming between young women and young men

Young women are die hard liberals and want feminism to continue while men are going hard in the opposite direction

View attachment 358086
Wow crazy dynamic going down. It’s going to affect birthrates hard

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Wow crazy dynamic going down
I’m not joking in the west and in particularly European countries as well as some Arab ones some of these dudes literally think this is a battle for civilization the globalist liberal system continues as it will increasingly adopt CCP style surveillance and monitoring to survive or some new autocracy takes its place we might see a western version of the Boxer rebellion

Basically every western country is facing stagnating economy and rapidly deteriorating living standards the US is basically the only exception now

@Shimbiris In The developed countries and especially in the west there is a huge split forming between young women and young men

Young women are die hard liberals and want feminism to continue while men are going hard in the opposite direction

View attachment 358086
South-koreas divide is brutal. But then again when you dont have economic prosperity, young men aren’t able to own properties. It was bound to happen
I’m not joking in the west and in particularly European countries as well as some Arab ones some of these dudes literally think this is a battle for civilization the globalist liberal system continues as it will increasingly adopt CCP style surveillance and monitoring to survive or some new autocracy takes its place we might see a western version of the Boxer rebellion

Basically every western country is facing stagnating economy and rapidly deteriorating living standards the US is basically the only exception now

Cheap labour tends to decimate the middle-class. Theres not gonna be any middle-class. If Indians can come in replace you.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Cheap labour tends to decimate the middle-class. Theres not gonna be any middle-class. If Indians can come in replace you.
This is basically serfdom if in Canada for example if you don’t want to be a wage slave and are unhappy your little apartment that cost 4,000 a month some guy from Punjab on “student visa ”is willing to do the same for less money and live in a small apartment with 7 people that’s what’s coming for the entire western world @Keep it a boqol and all the Canadians on this website will tell you the same all the skilled native born workers are heading south

Mass immigration of low skilled migrants who don’t really assimilate and naive progressive polices is a great way to turn a economic powerhouse into a dumpster fire California once the envy of the world is now being surpassed by Texas (which will soon surpass France. In GDP) silicon valley is relocating to Austin same with all the oil companies and financial firms
@Shimbiris In The developed countries and especially in the west there is a huge split forming between young women and young men

Young women are die hard liberals and want feminism to continue while men are going hard in the opposite direction

View attachment 358086
This is what happens when humans follow their whims and desires instead of the laws sent down from God.

We are seeing the end result of rampant humanism, rationalism, materialism and many other isms and non isms alike all rooted in the human mind.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
South-koreas divide is brutal. But then again when you dont have economic prosperity, young men aren’t able to own properties. It was bound to happen
South Korea has a solid economy it’s just that the work culture is brutal and the women have copied western feminism and somehow made it more extreme with the 4 B movement this shit is spreading I mentioned last month that when I visited Kenya a while back my cousins had a friend over she was like 22 and she was scrolling TikTok and wallahi all I heard was pure western garbage talking about “muh no marriage until 35 he has to take me out to a expensive place ” countries seriously need to ban American media this is getting ridiculous

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
South Korea has a solid economy it’s just that the work culture is brutal and the women have copied western feminism and somehow made it more extreme with the 4 B movement this shit is spreading I mentioned last month that when I visited Kenya a while back my cousins had a friend over she was like 22 and she was scrolling TikTok and wallahi all I heard was pure western garbage talking about “muh no marriage until 35 he has to take me out to a expensive place ” countries seriously need to ban American media this is getting ridiculous
The third world got all the garbage and debauchery from the first world without any of the benefits.
Facts some of these people are obsessed with negativity and complaining where it becomes counterproductive and can lead to hysteria.

Islamically it’s forbidden to say such statements such as a people are doomed or generalizing an entire people.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
When a person says that people are ruined he is himself ruined. Abu Ishaq said: I do not know whether he said" ahlakahum or ahlakuhum.

Also when a calamity strikes, chronic complaining is often discouraged and in some cases haram

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is afflicted by a pressing need and complains to people, his need will never be satisfied. Whoever is afflicted by a pressing need and complains to Allah, eventually Allah will provide for him, sooner or later.”

In a world of social media, it is often encouraged to talk about hardships online. A lot of cases it’s unproductive. Inshallah the victim gets justice and the criminal gets what he deserves but cases like this we should abide by the sunnah when a calamity strikes.
So true

There are too many mentally stunted people who lack Islamic values amongst us. Their first reaction to any horrific incident is to generalise and turn it into a fight, causing more divisions rather than an actual solution. Whether it is on the basis of qabil or gender.

There was recently an incident in Ethiopia where a mother left her 10 year old daughter with her neighbour while stepping out for some groceries. The husband of her neighbour r*ped and murdered the girl. It went viral on Tiktok but the reactions from the Ethiopians is so different from how Somalis would react. Their rage was directed at the culprit as an individual and they showed great sympathy for the mother.

They didn’t start attacking each other based on gender or smearing the region where the crime took place. You wouldn’t even know what country the crime took place as they were much more focused on the actual victim and culprit rather than the country as a whole or a specific gender.

Too many of our people instead, prefer to calaacal incessantly and use the trauma of victims to score points against the “other side”. Whether it’s another qabil, gender etc. With reckless accusations against whole groups of people.
Gender wars??? How old are u......a girl got assaulted and a little girl got sold and ur thinking of gender wars......oh to be a male to minimize this sht to some social media fights cuz u dont really care about this sht if u think this is some type of "war"
Rolling Eyes Eye Roll GIF
South Korea has a solid economy it’s just that the work culture is brutal and the women have copied western feminism and somehow made it more extreme with the 4 B movement this shit is spreading I mentioned last month that when I visited Kenya a while back my cousins had a friend over she was like 22 and she was scrolling TikTok and wallahi all I heard was pure western garbage talking about “muh no marriage until 35 he has to take me out to a expensive place ” countries seriously need to ban American media this is getting ridiculous
US/UK garbage gets imported everywhere. I vividly remember being in HS. And some content becoming popular from US. To the point that 18-21 year old women were reposting the same content to their IG story at the same time in that week. I guess it was remembering something week.
So true

There are too many mentally stunted people who lack Islamic values amongst us. Their first reaction to any horrific incident is to generalise and turn it into a fight, causing more divisions rather than an actual solution. Whether it is on the basis of qabil or gender.

There was recently an incident in Ethiopia where a mother left her 10 year old daughter with her neighbour while stepping out for some groceries. The husband of her neighbour r*ped and murdered the girl. It went viral on Tiktok but the reactions from the Ethiopians is so different from how Somalis would react. Their rage was directed at the culprit as an individual and they showed great sympathy for the mother.

They didn’t start attacking each other based on gender or smearing the region where the crime took place. You wouldn’t even know what country the crime took place as they were much more focused on the actual victim and culprit rather than the country as a whole or a specific gender.

Too many of our people instead, prefer to calaacal incessantly and use the trauma of victims to score points against the “other side”. Whether it’s another qabil, gender etc. With reckless accusations against whole groups of people.
I find the best thing to do is ignore the division instigators whoever they may be.

Ignore and pray for them, who has the energy to watch, argue with and generally engage with people who clearly have emotional regulation issues and deep rooted instabilities as a result?

They need healing, not another (insert topic here) war.


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