A huge 5 star hotel is being constructed in kismaayo

Mashallah Noble Reer waamo Jubbalanders investing in their state


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Hotels aren’t a meaningful investment. Hospitals, Schools, factories etc those are meaningful investments. Why tf do we need so many hotels

I’m talking to all Somalis btw this isn’t a dig at JL


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
No:damn: this gonna take business away from Qiilmawaaye my subclan hotel:kanyehmm:

MashaaAllah tho


Bantu Liberation Movement
We need more hotels. Today's hotels can barely be considered such. There are barely any 3 star hotels in Somalia, certainly no 5 star.
Yes!! I love how it's not on the beach directly.

I hate seeing Somalis act stupid and build right on the water. Kismaayo can become our Miami. Reer Kismaayo, please make sure to push for people to be stopped from ruining the beaches. This is an acceptable distance, enough for greenery and for public access etc.

We need more hotels. Today's hotels can barely be considered such. There are barely any 3 star hotels in Somalia, certainly no 5 star.

I agree, there needs to be push into improving hospitality industry in general. Better quality hotels and restaurants. Not for tourism, but to retain Middle-class Somalis.
After reading how Tahriibis get their families to pay 30,000 Dollars to free them from Libyan traffickers, it's clear they're not leaving because of a lack of money and career opportunities, but because they find Somalia boring etc. I am convinced that a lot of these well-off Tahriibis, would never leave the country, if they had nice hotels and restaurants. Nor would they move to Turkey etc.
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Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Hotels aren’t a meaningful investment. Hospitals, Schools, factories etc those are meaningful investments. Why tf do we need so many hotels

I’m talking to all Somalis btw this isn’t a dig at JL
"Hospitals and Schools" that is basically charity no member of the diaspora is gonna work their ass off for a decade in a foregone country and then comeback and invest in something that isn't going to give them early retirement. Sorry to break it to you but that is the reality on the ground.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
"Hospitals and Schools" that is basically charity no member of the diaspora is gonna work their ass off for a decade in a foregone country and then comeback and invest in something that isn't going to give them early retirement. Sorry to break it to you but that is the reality on the ground.
True tbh hospitals and schools are the responsibility of the government for the most part.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Hotels aren’t a meaningful investment. Hospitals, Schools, factories etc those are meaningful investments. Why tf do we need so many hotels

I’m talking to all Somalis btw this isn’t a dig at JL
They don’t think long term,it’s all about quick cash