A huge 5 star hotel is being constructed in kismaayo


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The only exception I would see is a very very very high end and expensive private school.

Somalia does need high-end private boarding/non-boarding schools that offer A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate.

You will see more families move back when they see that there is quality schooling.


Hotels aren’t a meaningful investment. Hospitals, Schools, factories etc those are meaningful investments. Why tf do we need so many hotels

I’m talking to all Somalis btw this isn’t a dig at JL
No factories will be built in Somalia when electricity costs $1 kWh, it’s just not economically viable.
All you guys complaining about hotels, apparently hotels give high return investments, no offence but kismayo hardly has nice hotels, and to be the first will give high returns and all those upper class Mogadishu elite families can go to kismayo for holidays
I went to Zanzibar, I actually want to invest a resort in the coast, I don’t know why we can’t have the same tourism as Zanzibar has


Shouldn’t they be spending money on better things? Literally the most common targets for terror attacks by al khawarij is hotels. We have more problems deserving money than hotels, & besides why build 5 star hotels if somalis don’t feel safe in somalia?


I went to Zanzibar, I actually want to invest a resort in the coast, I don’t know why we can’t have the same tourism as Zanzibar has
Zanzibar doesn’t have nearly half the problems we have, if ethnic somali are hesitant about going back home what makes you think others would wanna go there for vacation?
Zanzibar doesn’t have nearly half the problems we have, if ethnic somali are hesitant about going back home what makes you think others would wanna go there for vacation?
That time is over ethnic Somalis are coming back to Somalia with their kids,
Zanzibar doesn’t have nearly half the problems we have, if ethnic somali are hesitant about going back home what makes you think others would wanna go there for vacation?
Tbh every Somali from a major tribe ik goes home quite often (the ones with lacag) however the marginalized tribes dont go back home at all dont blame them.