A New Design for Formal attire in our country.

Garaad Awal

Former African
We already have our own formal male attire, pick which style you like:
View attachment 310952

You can wear a turban with your Galibiya as well.
View attachment 310953
We already have our own formal male attire, pick which style you like:
View attachment 310952

You can wear a turban with your Galibiya as well.
View attachment 310953


< Macaawiis iyo cimaamad


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Yeah Macawis should only be worn at home. Those caught wearing it outside should get 10 lashings.
wdym its perfect for wearing outside for regular occasions but not for formal stuff though if a n*gga comes to a business meeting with a macaawis he is getting kicked out.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
this will be the nations mandatory outfit. In a nation as ethnically diverse as ours (Peninsula Arabs (Daroods), Arab migrants, Bantus, Oromos, and other Hybridized Native's) We need clothing that emphasizes unity and inclusivity!
:idontlike: That was 200 yrs ago bro we aint need that kind of style no more
No it hasn’t been that long. This is Somali men wearing it in fascist Italy I think between years 1930s-1940s?

What they’re wearing looks a thousand times better than the dusty macawis men usually wear to traditional events.
we gotta fight arabization as hard as we fight al kebab. It is on par with it, as we are extremely vulnerable to airheads who have 'sheikh' title influencing the youth.

Once the civil war is over arabization wil die down but while its active we must strive so atleast 30-40% of us still hold dear to somali culture.
we gotta fight arabization as hard as we fight al kebab. It is on par with it, as we are extremely vulnerable to airheads who have 'sheikh' title influencing the youth.

Once the civil war is over arabization wil die down but while its active we must strive so atleast 30-40% of us still hold dear to somali culture.
God willing, the Arab tribes of Somalia will be victorious against the Samaalists/Kushis like yourself.

If you don't accept your Arab identity, you will get the Berber treatment.
God willing, the Arab tribes of Somalia will be victorious against the Samaalists/Kushis like yourself.

If you don't accept your Arab identity, you will get the Berber treatment.
a weakling arab can never defeat a son of samaale in the field of battle they can only do it by yapping their mouths and corrupting the youth
Keep crying, mate. Arab culture and Arabic is here to stay and it will thrive in Somalia.
Listen sxb ill only say this once as i cant control what u think and i can only leave you with what i believe will happen.

Arabs are not what they were and will never return to what they were, Somalis however have extremely high birth rates and are rapidly realising their stage in the world. Though flawed, all they need is a group 20 -35 of highly educated young men and women (SYL but better) loyal to their people who see beyond clan and see the land and the children as their guiding force.

They must look beyond the lost generation 35 - 50 and seek out the young 0 - 20 as the future. The world is rapidly changing and a decayed race like the Arab has no place in the coming wheel of history. Africa is the future and the race to spear head this future must be bold and free minded and only Somalis can claim this title.

There are about 2-3 million displaced somali youth across somaliweyn with each camp of 10-30k people having 4-5 NGO's. All the future somali organisations have to do is become shadow governments and slowly form a strong collective of like minded people. Step by step it will be realised sxb and funny thing is all we need is 20-30% of somalis to support us and the rest will follow as history has taught us.
Suits are cool but represents Cadaan british culture. Its gone world wide which could be good but i want our people to have their own formal and business attire.
We already have them, they’re like these safari suits, common in Somalia among older men like every 5 guys I saw there 1 or 2 had this suit on , I think it probably originated among the Chinese communists who exported the attire to Africa.

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ
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