A Pakistani MP defends cousin marriages as the UK moves to ban them

The guy represents the Pakistani/Asian community, the main culprits engaging in cousin marriages, yet he claims 35–50% of Sub-Saharan Africans prefer them. The Africans in the UK don't even practice cousin marriages. Pakistanis always try to deflect from their own issues. They're the culprits doing cousin marriages and involved in grooming gangs, but the blame always gets shifted to the wider Muslim community.
The guy represents the Pakistani/Asian community, the main culprits engaging in cousin marriages, yet he claims 35–50% of Sub-Saharan Africans prefer them. The Africans in the UK don't even practice cousin marriages. Pakistanis always try to deflect from their own issues. They're the culprits doing cousin marriages and involved in grooming gangs, but the blame always gets shifted to the wider Muslim community.
Can’t blame them for it. Only looking out for themselves.

But bro these niggas absolutely cannot integrate lmfaoooo
So nasty. What sucks about this is that people think all muslims are cousin humpers like these TJs and Arabs

The audacity to talk about Africans, we don't do that nasty shit
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Cousin marriages are also a thing, while already relatively marginally thing, completes gets dropped by Africans in the west.

It's actually so insane, the rate is 50%. Pakistanis are one-two generations removed from turning into habsburgs.

Every notable scholar in Islam has spoken out against it: “There is not a group of people who do not bring forth their women to marry men other than their own men, nor do their men go forth to marry women other than their own, except their children will be fools (i.e. born with a mental defect)” [Adaab ash-Shaafi’ee wa Manaaqibuhu (pg. 99)

Al-Shafi’i reports Umar ibn al Khattab (RA) to have said, “Whenever the people of a household do not allow their women to marry men outside of their line, there will be fools among their children.”


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
In the UK, where healthcare is publicly funded, the state should not bear undue responsibility for the outcomes of these unions. Cultural sensitivity must take a backseat, especially when the practice involves intergenerational consanguineous marriage—marrying first/close cousins generation after generation. It is challenging to accommodate practices that lead to preventable health burdens.
So nasty. What sucks about this is that people think all muslims are cousin humpers like these TJs and Arabs

The audacity to talk about Africans, we don't do that nasty shit

For Somalis traditionally speaking marrying someone who is from the same family line or even clan was looked down upon.


Most Muslims do not practice first cousin marriages and especially in the west but they dump it on all Muslims from people who are mixing culture within it and to imply they are.

Marrying outside always seems more advantages to me, not from just a biological standpoint but also integration and socio-economic-standpoint. Families and communities are more likely to get along better and share resources and cooperate.

So i don't see how marrying family members can be seen as something positive as that MP is implying, it also will limit independence from that said family and what you see is in-law dominance and abuse in Pakistani culture.
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