A question for somalilanders

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Why do anti-Somalilanders hate Somaliland with a passion? Then claim unity?

I was on cancer twitter, doing a bit of research and saw this tweet:
So i was like ok cool, then i see the replies

Why claim qaran when they're still marginalising a whole community? They're like China claiming Tibet and Xinjiang as part of China then still hating them?

Somaliland might as well not exist seeing as it makes no difference? kkkkk

@Gambar can you answer this? what is the psychology behind it?


live and let die.
Yes, because one of the kingdoms was stronger than all the rest, and pracitcally took over the whole of England. That is medieval nonsense, wake up.

That's why I'm neither pro, nor against Somaliland. Somaliland doesn't deserve recognition if it's going to be a marginally better shithole than Somalia, likewise Mogadishu has no claim over Hargeisa if they can't provide basic government or enforce anything.

That doesn't mean the condition of granting independence was that we join Italian Somaliland, but that our intention was to get independence then join the south in an equal union. Are you seriously implying the only reason Somaliland stopped being a British protectorate was because they wanted us to join Italian Somaliland?:draketf:

No, but the intention was there which directly contradicts the British 'advising' against it. :drakewtf: The temporarily sovereign states of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland have been dissolved to form the republic of Somalia which was always the goal.

Wallahi, there was never an act of union signed between delegates of Somalia & Somaliland:pachah1:. It'll be funny if this ever goes to international courts:icon lol:

That might very well be true. I'm not a lawyer, but verbal agreements hold up in court. Especially if it's one that ran 30+ years. There's a reason it will never reach the courts because it has very little legitimacy behind it. If Somalia was a semi-functional country, this discussion wouldn't have even reached the international spotlight.
The British granted you independence with the intention of you joining Italian Somaliland. At the time it was the best thing to do and backed by ALL parties involved. Stop pretending like you did us a favour. Furthermore, if you're worshipping the cadaan man's ruling, the AU's founding resolution was not to violate the integrity of colonial borders. The AU was formed after British & Italian Somaliland was dissolved and the republic of Somalia came to existence. You barely have a legal peg to stand on, that's why the international community needs Mogadishu's compliance.

Not true, Somali women cannot dance like Bantu women. Even cadaans dance much better.

I'm an exception :siilaanyolaugh:

It's true most Somalis haven't got Rhythm.... I've seen it too many times.

I'm aware of that, as I'm aware that there are some Dhulbahante ministers in the Sland government (correct me if I'm wrong). Warsangeli are staunchly pro-Puntland, and I was speaking of both those clans who live in territory claimed by Somaliland. It's a more complex issue than just secession and independence.

That is true. The health minister himself is dhulbahante. I'm aware of the situation too, half my family is from the clan but they're all in favour of Somaliland. I was speaking generally of the ones I know.
That's why I'm neither pro, nor against Somaliland. Somaliland doesn't deserve recognition if it's going to be a marginally better shithole than Somalia, likewise Mogadishu has no claim over Hargeisa if they can't provide basic government or enforce anything.

You are a rare one, are you Somali?:kanyehmm:
That's why I'm neither pro, nor against Somaliland. Somaliland doesn't deserve recognition if it's going to be a marginally better shithole than Somalia, likewise Mogadishu has no claim over Hargeisa if they can't provide basic government or enforce anything.

No, but the intention was there which directly contradicts the British 'advising' against it. :drakewtf: The temporarily sovereign states of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland have been dissolved to form the republic of Somalia which was always the goal.

That might very well be true. I'm not a lawyer, but verbal agreements hold up in court. Especially if it's one that ran 30+ years. There's a reason it will never reach the courts because it has very little legitimacy behind it. If Somalia was a semi-functional country, this discussion wouldn't have even reached the international spotlight.

The British weren't "against it" because they neither cared nor could they stop it. They warned against it and advised caution on our behalf. We didn't listen plunged headlong into a union with starry eyed romanticism about Somaliweyn and getting Haud back.


Why do anti-Somalilanders hate Somaliland with a passion? Then claim unity?

I was on cancer twitter, doing a bit of research and saw this tweet:
So i was like ok cool, then i see the replies

Why claim qaran when they're still marginalising a whole community? They're like China claiming Tibet and Xinjiang as part of China then still hating them?

Somaliland might as well not exist seeing as it makes no difference? kkkkk

@Gambar can you answer this? what is the psychology behind it?

It's called deflection, Somaliland isn't a country they're right but when you're walking in Hargeisa you don't have to work about bombs going off in the middle of a hotel/restaurant. It's xasidnimo. Landers are xasid too though, it's a two way street.
It's called deflection, Somaliland isn't a country they're right but when you're walking in Hargeisa you don't have to work about bombs going off in the middle of a hotel/restaurant. It's xasidnimo. Landers are xasid too though, it's a two way street.

Thank you for your insight Gambar, you shall be the governor of Majeerteenia once the ciidagale conquests have been completed
Somaliland politicians : Faysal Cali Waraabe was separatist Now he changes his far- rights politics like Fosiya Yusuf Xaji Hadan
I don't understand this question, if you're asking if I would like unity and a competent isaaq pres then yes.

@Hemaal and others are right. Ever since inception of the unified Somali state in 1960, it was the south who (forcibly) called the shots:



This is akin to a tiny village in rural England having more political clout than a large industrial city (which actually did happen prior to the Great Reform Act 1832).

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

You derailed the thread, you quoted me first kkkkk

What do you want me to call it? A democractic state? They elected their president in an airport hangar kkkkkkk


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live and let die.
You are a rare one, are you Somali?:kanyehmm:

I am European of Somali descent. I do not believe in national identity. :siilaanyolaugh:

It's called deflection, Somaliland isn't a country they're right but when you're walking in Hargeisa you don't have to work about bombs going off in the middle of a hotel/restaurant. It's xasidnimo. Landers are xasid too though, it's a two way street.

That is not xasidnimo, he cared to make the distinction between Somaliland and Somalia and got corrected by someone who believes otherwise. It is ridiculous to even assume one Somali city is jealous of another when we are aware of the world capitals. Even in our block, Nairobi, Mombasa, Addis etc. are all vastly superior to all Somali cities.
I am European of Somali descent. I do not believe in national identity. :siilaanyolaugh:

So you went on tahriib? Either way someone like you who does not even regard themselves as Somali, should have no business in talking about Somaliland.


live and let die.
So you went on tahriib? Either way someone like you who does not even regard themselves as Somali, should have no business in talking about Somaliland.

I am very much Somali, that much is not up for debate. Otherwise I would choose Ashkenazi. Somaliland is a terrible name btw, and the demonym is even worse. North-Somalia, although still bad, is a much better name.
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