A Somali father in Las Angeles killed his Qoomu-luudh son

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He has a terrorist Lebanese name.

California has the death penalty.

Sad day for the LGBTQQIAAP-phobic bigots. The book will be thrown at him.

He thought he would have been praised and treated as a hero like in whatever dilapidated, third-world, polio hellhole and hungry country he came from.

I love America. Even the most extremist Christian judge on the bench will be harsh on this animal.

We are mourning for our lost brother but we already taste our victory.

Our gay brother was a martyr; he furthered the LGBTQQIAAP cause

It's obvious the father killed the mother when she tried to protect her son.

I think they're Christian. They spell their names like Lebanese Christians do


The article said the son was getting evicted from the house and was a constant nuisance to the family. The father claimed he was the one to stab the mother although no knife was not found on him according to the article.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
What would you do if you were in the fathers position, adeer?

That will remain a state secret. Undoubtedly it would've been very satisfactory outcome for me. :dance:

I'd tell you what tho ! I would've started a whole new life in the hinterlands of my forefather's and I would've started my whole life again where the tribesmen I've send money to all these years would've given me their 17 year old daughters to procreate once again while cursing the tribe and parents of my old wife that xaartey qashinkaas

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