A Somali father in Las Angeles killed his Qoomu-luudh son

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Arabs protect their family honor more so than anyone else. And if your son is gay, than its a reflection of you, as a father who failed him.

Somalis would just disown their family, but i don't think they would go as far as killing them.

If it was me, i would have kicked his ass (no pun intended) and turned him straight.


That will remain a state secret. Undoubtedly it would've been very satisfactory outcome for me. :dance:

I'd tell you what tho ! I would've started a whole new life in the hinterlands of my forefather's and I would've started my whole life again where the tribesmen I've send money to all these years would've given me their 17 year old daughters to procreate once again while cursing the tribe and parents of my old wife that xaartey qashinkaas

Menace iyo dumar maxa kala haysta :dead::faysalwtf:
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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
How could you get the spelling of LA wrong?

adeer! LA ma biilkey iga bixisaa! once again I would like to inform me you that you have no legs to stand on in the field of conduct. Arent you the one who posted batty man services on craiglist. How can you even have the decency to address me about anything. Waar tani waa waali lugeyneysa oo noo soo gashey
-Go out and look for gay stories.
-Post it on a Somali site

-Then when you get called out for it, accuse others. And talk about Craigslist iyo waxaan loo joogin.

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