A Somali girl explains why she's marrying a revert.

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People checkout this comment. A Somali poster Raganimo put them in their place.

What are you on about? In my family alone I have 5 male relatives who are in relationship with non-Somali women. 1 Italian, 1 Afro-American, 1 white American, 1 Dane, 1 White Canadian.

I myself have never had problems attracting women of all races be they Arab, black or white. My current fiancee is Somali though and I wouldn't trade her for anyone.

You're Lebanese. You should know that in this day and age it is not that hard to get with Lebanese women. You guys don't even know what your women are up to half the time. If it wasn't for fear of losing their lives, many more would be going for black men - including Somalis.

In fact, this Arab woman whom I was considering for marriage even said openly that she did not want to marry an Arab man since you guys were known for being violent and possessive. Last I heard she was in talks with another brother who also happens to be Somali.

I know two Somali brothers who are married to Arab women (Palestinians). Where I live (Scandinavia) Lebanese women haven't got the best reputation. In fact, in the Gulf where I grew up, there are many Lebanese women who engage in Haraam activities and this has severely lowered their value in the eyes of men. There was even this one married Lebanese woman who tried to flirt with my younger brother.

I really don't understand where you get your arrogance from, bro. I grew up around your people. You're not fooling anyone with that faux elitist garbage. Isn't Lebanon like the brothel of the middle east? Billahi 3alayk akhi, how can you be arrogant? LMAO.

Humble yourself and realise that each community has its own vices. Somalis came here in the mid to late 90's so we're a very recent group. If you want to see successful Somalis, take a look at the community in the Gulf and in Africa.



Respect to this brother who knocked the neef out those arrogant Lebanese bastards with this post.


Suicidal men adore me.
Nearly all of the studies in America group Somalis with other Sub-Saharan African descendant people in the census data as "black". Academics in the US see no fundamental reason to differentiate Somalis from other Sub-Saharan African people. You are not a special snowflake. Sorry.

Not my job to do so.

Prove it. Bring your evidence.

Right and that's why your so called statistic that prove second generation Somalis marry out in great numbers is a lie. Sub Saharan Africa is composed of 43 different countries, Somalia is only 1 and Somalia is not the number one African community in America. Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ghana are much larger groups.

Once again you need a proven research that showcase Somalis are marrying out in large numbers, something you don't have.

Oh and clustering Africans with African Americans and calling them black, which they do in the research further dilutes you're so called proof. Black can be anyone from Africa, US, Caribbean, Latin and South America. You're data means nothing.

Once again bring me proof. Go fund a research on it you seem very interested.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Right and that's why your so called statistic that prove second generation Somalis marry out in great numbers is a lie. Sub Saharan Africa is composed of 43 different countries, Somalia is only 1 and Somalia is not the number one African community in America. Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ghana are much larger groups.

Once again you need a proven research that showcase Somalis are marrying out in large numbers, something you don't have.

Oh and clustering Africans with African Americans and calling them black, which they do in the research further dilutes you're so called proof. Black can be anyone from Africa, US, Caribbean, Latin and South America. You're data means nothing.

Once again bring me proof. Go fund a research on it you seem very interested.
Arguing the way he does there is no difference between salmon and tuna, they're both fish being used in sushi so they must have the same nutrition value.
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Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somali women are free to do as they please.

For men who supposedly don't care, you guys surely are typing paragraphs after paragraphs. Keep seething losers. We Somali women will prosper and create our own race soon.

I'm thinking of Nubian Carawelos. :z1banet::2tjlv3e:
They can marry whoever they want but they should layoff on shitting on somali dudes to justify their choice. Criticizing somali culture is one thing but making us out to be literal hitlers and troglodytes is just their selfhatred that's showing.
Right and that's why your so called statistic that prove second generation Somalis marry out in great numbers is a lie. Sub Saharan Africa is composed of 43 different countries, Somalia is only 1 and Somalia is not the number one African community in America. Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ghana are much larger groups.

This is a foolish non-scientific contention and a useless argument. There are no meaningful variations among the behaviors of Americanized and born second-generation Americans to immigrants of Sub-Saharan African descent. When such meaningful variations occur (as I have stated), the researchers will always make clear that distinction but for this case (i.e romantic behaviors) they see no variation among the second-generation Americanized African descendants. Hence, the burden of proof now lies upon you to show that Somalis are in fact "special and unique" snowflakes.
Once again you need a proven research that showcase Somalis are marrying out in large numbers, something you don't have.

I don't need to prove any such thing. All I need to show is Somalis falling into a much larger subset and showing that group, as a whole, have a significant out-marriage rate. Why? Because statistically speaking, the average applies to all of the sub-groups unless sufficient evidence exists that second-generation Americanized Somalis have a significant statistical deviation from the norm and this deviation would be mentioned as it is in all of the other cases when Somalis (along with other horn Africans) are separated from other Sub-Saharan Africans. This is how science is done and the difficulty here is I am talking with people who don't understand science or how studies are actually done.
Oh and clustering Africans with African Americans and calling them black, which they do in the research further dilutes you're so called proof. Black can be anyone from Africa, US, Caribbean, Latin and South America. You're data means nothing.
Because, you know better than the actual experts who have access to all of the relevant census data and see no meaningful variation between all of the different sub-groups within the "Sub-Saharan African" group? :childplease:
Once again bring me proof. Go fund a research on it you seem very interested.

Again, you and your friend don't understand what "burden of proof" is. The burden of proof LIES on YOU to show that this data does not apply to Somalis and that they are special and unique snowflakes when compared to other second-generation born and bred Americans of sub-Saharan African descent.
Arguing the way he does there is no difference between salmon and tuna, their both fish being used sushi so they must have the same nutrition value.

Look at this neef. Your analogy is essentialy comparing two completely different species with fundamentally different traits to people born in the same land and share the same broad identity and experience and even culture with the US being a melting pot and all. Just quit now, sxb. :dead:

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Look at this neef. Your analogy is essentialy comparing two completely different species with fundamentally different traits to people born in the same land and share the same broad identity and experience and even culture with the US being a melting pot and all. Just quit now, sxb. :dead:
The point wasn't that they're two different species but that your whole argument is flawed and that a cluster of data, can't be used to prove a specific claim which requires evidence specific to that claim.
Lets break this myth about Somali men right here.

Here where i live you will see a whole pack of us Somali dudes getting indho yars and White chicks no stress. We date them but we usually dont marry them due to cultural & religious differences. Girls dig us here because to them we are attractive African men and they love our personality as most of us are viewed as popular & funny.

As for Muslim girls from other ethnicities (Arabs,Asians and Turks/Kurds) . We rarely ever marry them we might date them in secretcy, but we cannot marry them because their families would kill them and us. Last time a buddy i knew dated this Turkish chick and whom he wanted to marry. Her whole male lineage came for him. They have this whole Honor killing going on and this strictness. Ask Arab/Pakistani girls a whole lot of them will tell you that they want to marry a Somali man and hate thought of marrying their own but they can't because their families will kill them or disown them.

While revert women most of them will marry strictly Arab dudes because of this assertion that they will be closer to deen if they marry an Arab and be able to learn Arabic by marrying one. You will only see odd cases where Somali men marry revert women they are usually imams, or highly qualified sheikhs & scholars etc.

So in the end most of us are forced to marry Somali girls, not that its a problem.
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We are not more fucked up then Arabs,Asians, Jamaicans and Turks when it comes to jobs,education,crime rate etc. Everything stated can be said ten times over for other groups of men. But those are reserved for the minority worst among us. Pros and vices exist in every group.

Tede kale these chicks are not marrying out to creme of the crop of men. They are marrying reverts who are left over trash from other races , pedophiles, druggies, ex convicts, ugly short socially awkward dudes who live in their grandmas basement with no job.

They are suddenly pious respectable dudes because they learned a few arabic words and phrases.:comeon:
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Lebanese girls ain't all that. This nikka brought a lebanese girl to Burco for his wedding back in 2014!

Though I overwhelmingly dislike Arabs but this Faarax did something I could get behind

I'm crying tears of joy, he brought our pride back

bless you reer Burco:mjkkk:
She actually made some valid points. Alot of men in our community don't provide for their wives the Benefit Office does. They just impregnate the women and tell them to go to seek welfare and pretend you are single so he doesn't have to provide. This so widespread that the kufar have begun asking these poor women 'I didn't know promiscuity was allowed in your religion, how do you have a new kid out of wedlock every year'?. How emberassing is that!
She actually made some valid points. Alot of men in our community don't provide for their wives the Benefit Office does. They just impregnate the women and tell them to go to seek welfare and pretend you are single so he doesn't have to provide. This so widespread that the kufar have begun asking these poor women 'I didn't know promiscuity was allowed in your religion, how do you have a new kid out of wedlock every year'?. How emberassing is that!

There is no valid points these are crappy stereotypes.
The ‘PhDs driving taxis’ headlines have come and gone, but to this day, hundreds of experienced doctors, accountants and engineers are still driving cabs and doing menial part-time jobs to sustain their families and relatives overseas on fickle hourly wages. Hundreds more have given up entirely, resigning themselves to a perpetual life in the slow lane.

Plus we are majority first generation refugess, you think we are going to be balling with money and job oppurtunities right of the bat? We are not recruited for work or economic migrants like Southeast asians who are brought to the west for work.

Promiscuity is very very low in the Somali community. There is even stastics backing this so there is no use in peddling bulshit. The tiny minority among us does not define us.

Secondly these women are marrying men who are even worse of than us. 90% of reverts are dad noolooshoda ka dhacday ex convicts, drug dealers, pedophiles. So how can they use that as an excuse to marry out?

If these women were married to successful rich ajanabi , i would say good on them. Because at least they valued their own enough to raise their standards. This is simple self hate if i seen anything.
Reply to me when you are ready to have an honest, open discussion. You clearly are too arrogant and ignorant to see past the finger pointing and reverts this, ex convicts that, bla, bla'. This is just a poor escape mechanism attempt. To ignore the real problems our community is facing by our own community is absurd. Keep on this small minded mentality but don't be shocked by the consequences.

I will also remind you to stop badmouthing Somali women. Majority of them don't marry ex convict reverts. Nor are all reverts ex cons and lowlives as you implied. First time I heard of this was on this forum. Probably a pathetic rumor/propaganda started by degenerate men who wish ill upon others.
Reply to me when you are ready to have an honest, open discussion. You clearly are too arrogant and ignorant to see past the finger pointing and reverts this, ex convicts that, bla, bla'. This is just a poor escape mechanism attempt. To ignore the real problems our community is facing by our own community is absurd. Keep on this small minded mentality but don't be shocked by the consequences.

I will also remind you to stop badmouthing Somali women. Majority of them don't marry ex convict reverts. Nor are all reverts ex cons and lowlives as you implied. First time I heard of this was on this forum. Probably a pathetic rumor/propaganda started by degenerate men who wish ill upon others.
I will reply to whomever i want, my opinions do not have to mirror yours to be valued or acceptable.

You have no right to take the maturity high-ground . You are here finger pointing at your own kind with stupid stereotypes. 99% of us are apparently khat-chewing welfare hogging deadbeats with 7 children out of wedlock... haye, waan gartay..:childplease:

You just spent an entire post negatively stereotyping all of us, yet ends by telling us aknowledge the exact same stereotypes that you and your ilk continue to perpetuate?

If there are any problems in the Somali community i am the first to aknowledge it infact this is all i do on here . I am my own biggest critic. But problems do not live in a vaccum nor are certain issues specific to us and you don't get anywhere by exagerrating things either

Plus what relevance does it have in the converstation of marriage? If the issue is Somali men are garbage then why do they marry out to reverts who are worse than us? Please do not deny this there is soo much evidence out there. This is not finger pointing it is pure logic.
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Notice how she defines us all by the worst amongst us and defines the reverts by the best amongst them. As if there are no vices and evils amongst whites (including reverts) such as aspects of jahiliyah which they may have retained.

''Not all reverts are ex-convicts or low lives stop the pathetic rumours and propaganda you wish ill and stop finger pointing.

'' But all Somali men are welfare hogging promiscous deabeat that dads with several children out of wedlock. Geeljire you need to be mature and aknowledge the problem in our community ''
:draketf: Then she says'' I remind you to stop bad mouthing Somali women'' after what she badmouthed Somali men. Never seen such self righteous vitriol.
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future pirate king
Reply to me when you are ready to have an honest, open discussion. You clearly are too arrogant and ignorant to see past the finger pointing and reverts this, ex convicts that, bla, bla'. This is just a poor escape mechanism attempt. To ignore the real problems our community is facing by our own community is absurd. Keep on this small minded mentality but don't be shocked by the consequences.

I will also remind you to stop badmouthing Somali women. Majority of them don't marry ex convict reverts. Nor are all reverts ex cons and lowlives as you implied. First time I heard of this was on this forum. Probably a pathetic rumor/propaganda started by degenerate men who wish ill upon others.

You xalimos suffer from alot of issues and self hate is one of them, my city is rife with salafi women marrying literal ex cons, women who lower themselves to that level deserve no respect.
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