A Somali husband and his madoow revert WIFE's marriage is in limbo and she wants advice!

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I feel sorry for her. She needs to leave. Its obvious he does not respect her. He wanted to marry 2-months in (red flag), did not even tell his family he was married with a kid on the way, hides her away like an evil stepmother and tries to add further stress with a polygamous situation. Run!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
He is the first Somali Salafi bandit to trap a Jamaican revert. He is on a revenge mission :salute::qri8gs7:
He should've never married someone
Who was non Somali knowing his family would have this reaction.

To be honest are non Somali woman
That desparate for our men they would
Put up with him marrying another
Woman in another country?

Her own mother in law doesn't know she's married and with child?

Is a Somali man really worth all of
This humiliation? Yes.

It seems you men are a commodity
These days.

She blatantly converted to Islam to
Catch his attention and he let his
and Madow fever take hold.
He should've never married someone
Who was non Somali knowing his family would have this reaction.

To be honest are non Somali woman
That desparate for our men they would
Put up with him marrying another
Woman in another country?

Her own mother in law doesn't know she's married and with child?

Is a Somali man really worth all of
This humiliation? Yes.

It seems you men are a commodity
These days.
She seems the commodity in this case though, first of all he married her in an illegal manner, secondly he has even told his family that he is about to have a child.

He seriously played her big time. Am sure if the pressure mounts he will divorce her.
Well he is a MAN. They usually dont object to their families wishes unlike certain creatures :dabcasar:
apparently marrying in secret is such a man thing to do:gaasdrink:

at least 'certain creatures' would've had the balls to confront their family for better or for worse instead of choosing the coward way out:gaasdrink:
apparently marrying in secret is such a man thing to do:gaasdrink:

at least 'certain creatures' would've had the balls to confront their family for better or for worse instead of choosing the coward way out:gaasdrink:

Its not coward if both parties are pleased. From what it looks like, she will get devorced if it comes to choosing between his mom and her. The coward here is the one who agreed to be married secretly.
Its not coward if both parties are pleased. From what it looks like, she will get devorced if it comes to choosing between his mom and her. The coward here is the one who agreed to be married secretly.

being so scared of your families opinion enough to keep your marriage a secret isnt cowardly?
the woman clearly didnt know him well enough to know how much of a pussy he is. maybe she thought he'd grow some balls and tell his mother after the marriage. but apparently even a child in the picture isnt enough.

being so scared of your families opinion enough to keep your marriage a secret isnt cowardly?
the woman clearly didnt know him well enough to know how much of a pussy he is. maybe she thought he'd grow some balls and tell his mother after the marriage. but apparently even a child in the picture isnt enough.

He fell in love with her and his family is against the idea of him marrying a foreign girls. What is the rational think - for an avarage guy - to do here. He clearly doesnt want to cut ties with his family, as he shouldn't, he also wanted to marry her so opted to do what he thought was the best. I, myself, would not have done the same. If i cant get my family on board i would ditch her no questions asked. But for him, that was not an option so he made what i call ' kala badbaadi' andrelegated her to qudbo siro. Ma qalad buu galay? Haa! Ma fuleybaa? Maya! It takes balls to undermine your family without their knowledge.
Welcome Aisha to the growing numbers of single mothers abandoned by their Somali husbands. An advice to foreign women who wish to marry Somali men, please don't marry Somali men because the majority of Somali men failed in marriage and family values and with the slightest trouble, we press the divorce button.
Welcome Aisha to the growing numbers of single mothers abandoned by their Somali husbands. An advice to foreign women who wish to marry Somali men, please don't marry Somali men because the majority of Somali men failed in marriage and family values and with the slightest trouble, we press the divorce button.
It seem your aabo abandoned you and you are very bitter :drakelaugh:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Welcome Aisha to the growing numbers of single mothers abandoned by their Somali husbands. An advice to foreign women who wish to marry Somali men, please don't marry Somali men because the majority of Somali men failed in marriage and family values and with the slightest trouble, we press the divorce button.

Why do you think that is?

Also Somali women do share some of the burden (definitely not a lot because ultimately the man has the easier time divorcing).
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