A study of DECENTRALIZED political structure for Somalia


@Jungle @Wonyluvr one of the main reasons why Somalia is unable to come to a common understanding on where to go from here is the unwillingness of those south of Galkacyo to accept qabil as a fundemental building block of Somali
There is no shame in being for your qabil and working to defeat your enemy. Hawiye and Isaaq are my enemies and I want to defeat them. I will always admit this. Good luck getting anyone south of Galkacyo to be this honest.
Why are you saying south of galkacyo there’s mjs living in the south as well you should specify.Saying you want to defeat Hawiye and Isaaq is just crazy you live in the west as well most Somalis in Somalia are extremely poor and can barely provide for their families you should be more careful with your words.

Also just say you want to defeat the politicians :hillarybiz:


one of the main reasons why Somalia is unable to come to a common understanding on where to go from here is the unwillingness of those south of Galkacyo to accept qabil as a fundemental building block of Somali politics.
What is 4.5 then?
There is no shame in being for your qabil and working to defeat your enemy. Hawiye and Isaaq are my enemies and I want to defeat them. I will always admit this. Good luck getting anyone south of Galkacyo to be this honest.
That is qabyaalad right there and you just proved @Jungle 's point 💀


Why are you saying south of galkacyo there’s mjs living in the south as well you should specify.Saying you want to defeat Hawiye and Isaaq is just crazy you live in the west as well most Somalis in Somalia are extremely poor and can barely provide for their families you should be more careful with your words.

Also just say you want to defeat the politicians :hillarybiz:
They are mentally ill. Qabilism goes deep with them beyond politics and just jokes where things end with us Hawiye folk. They're also much more secluded compared to us which is why they hold such extreme views against others they have no contact with.

What is 4.5 then?

That is qabyaalad right there and you just proved @Jungle 's point 💀
Afkiisa iyo dhegahiisa isma maqlaan eboow. The camoole brought up my previous posts to portray me as a qabilist to a 16 year for whatever reason, unprovoked ! yet here he is with comments like this a few posts later :heh:


They are mentally ill. Qabilism goes deep with them beyond politics and just jokes where things end with us Hawiye folk. They're also much more secluded compared to us which is why they hold such extreme views against others they have no contact with.
He should of said politicians I would of agreed with him :faysalwtf:
What did I tell you my fellow honest posters, I tell you there are many entities against our honest cause. Just recently I had seen a person of American Descent speak in a pure somali Pure i tell you, like let me tell you it was better then the Diaspora Somali. Now I wont imply anything here without the proper documentation or facts but let me tell you. This is why I support a centralized strong Islamic Somalia. Anyone who dosent, or only accepts some of the lined terms is here to. Thats right, Divide. @Killamenace78
Hawiye wants centralism and not cause their the capital as non hawiye assume. I understand hawiye dynamics since I'm half hawiye, the reason is they can't stand on their own, they want to hide their nakedness under a collective Somali identity, if you need proof look at GM and HS and it's status in the federation, this is why hawiye is pro Somalia.
That is a huge concession youve made,
Lol federalism will always grow into clan confederacy for a tribalist society (which it is right now)
Spot on, Spot on indeed 200% emoji,

That one clan dominates this forum though so they will always have more voices. If you ask me which individuals have the most cuqdad he’s top flight though so he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
Funny coming from you TBH.
They both have PTSD from the same place at different times. The dr from ‘99 and this mooriyaan from ‘06-‘08 when he had to tahriib to UK as qaxooti. He should be thankful if you ask me 😂
... how
Read this exchange between me and @Jungle where I argue in favor of IDPs permanently living in Banadir having the right to vote, and he argues for their displacement and cleansing from Banadir instead. @Jungle wants to take away the right to vote from 1.5 million, mostly D&M, IDPs in order to preserve Hawiye hegemony. Keep in mind the Puntland gave all IDPs from koonfur the right to vote in its elections.

ps. You should not judge MJ by the same metric you judge Hawiye on the question of qabil. We may border each other, but our cultures are fairly different on this topic. MJ have more in common with Harti woqoyie, idoor and Ogaden on the question of qabil rather than Hawiye. Apples and oranges.
You say that as if anyone had the power to do that This is so funny So funny actually Like dangling a carrot in front a Donkey hahhahaha
Spoke about a unitary decentralized option being the best choice in a different thread in relation to Yemen and Somalia. You can have a strong unitary centralized government in Somalia while also having some form of decentralization in delegation of local governance in form of provinces and municipalities.

This is what Oman our neighbor has done.
Precisely spoken, People on here act like you cant have a mix of options, The end goal is a strong united nation Anything better then the current system ANYTHING!...
Last thing you listed is why no clan state is getting independence any time soon. SL have ”tried” for 30 years but they don’t have anything to offer to the world that would make their independence worthwhile.

No resource extraction is done in all of somaliweyn. We have only the strategic location but Jabuuti has filled the void for it. No independence by giving away land for military

I remember when @AbdiFreedom said Somalia is held together because nobody wants 5 different begging bowls kkkk. Harsh but true.

Clan conferedation could work if there is agreed taxation on exports, imports and income. Same currency and foreign policy. Also the president and prime ministers are like figureheads. Sharia as the basis of law and we are good to go.
Indeed, Harsh but true Harsh but true Confederation is not the way my friend, Straighten up and dont Give in...
What is 4.5 then?

That is qabyaalad right there and you just proved @Jungle 's point 💀
Ignorant Fools, I understand their inner qabilistic anger energy I had that experience against step a side but these guys take it too far its been Years of feuding online in other countries across the world these Folks have no shame apprently which drives me to some Interesting conclusions about their hidden interests.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
What is 4.5 then?

That is qabyaalad right there and you just proved @Jungle 's point 💀
We are honest and open with our views. Hawiyes that I know personally are one of the worse tribalists out there but they are dishonest about it. Anaga boowe, we will tell you in your faces urur samaale are our enemies and will remain so forever till yawmul qiyamah


A Laandheere always pays his debts
The most foolish thing about centralisation is even at the height of Cold War, the axis powers had enough sense and political maturity to understand that Berlin must be divided up amongst its shareholders (first four then into two).

They show such political immaturity by trying to both claim a capital (which by definition is everyones, but if anyone has claim to the capital we all built as of today then it would be your bosses AMISOM), while also trying to push for midnimo. Its absurdity.

