A Syrian man allegedly sexually assaulted an underaged Syrian girl in Turkey. In response, Turks are attacking Syrians and burning their shops.


Wtf is wrong with them seriously a Syrian man allegedly SAd a Syrian Girl and what these guys do is come after innocent Syrians :mindblown:
Tbh it would be disgusting if they only showed this reaction for underage turkish girls being sexually assaulted, and not underage syrian girls living in turkey.


Very sad for the syrian refugees miskeen

Curse those rebels who divided themselves into 1000 different petty factions. Assad reversed all of their gains, unlike the ypg who were united, created a huge autonomous state with a majority arab population and is turning it kurdish.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Hard time to be a Syrian refugee in Türkiye

The Turks LIE! They are xenophobic. They hate foreigners being successful, they did the same to Somalis



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Turks don’t divide themselves into Shia ,Sunni or Christian but u will see arabs dividing arab shia,arab sunni or arab Christian why they can’t united under the Arab nationalism…. A united 420 million arabs will be a tough for the world 😂 today you have turks,Persian,Kurdish and Jews all displacing ,killing and humiliating the laandhere arabs this is like 1930s when japanese were bullying the Landhere Chinese😂
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Very sad for the syrian refugees miskeen

Curse those rebels who divided themselves into 1000 different petty factions. Assad reversed all of their gains, unlike the ypg who were united, created a huge autonomous state with a majority arab population and is turning it kurdish.
Worry about our country we are in a much worse state you have sub-sub clans fighting each other over some dumb tulo
Turks don’t divide themselves into Shia ,Sunni or Christian but u will see arabs dividing arab shia,arab sunni or arab Christian why they can’t united under the Arab nationalism…. A united 420 million arabs will be a tough for the world 😂 today you have turks,Persian,Kurdish and Jews all displacing ,killing and humiliating the laandhere arabs this is like 1930s when japanese were bullying the Landhere Chinese😂
exactly lol. Carabta only have themselves to blame for this. Shia or not theres not a single, even a tiny tiny thing they can ever unite on. Even somali's with all their langaabnimo would defend somalis iyo africanka from cadaans and other people.
The Turks LIE! They are xenophobic. They hate foreigners being successful, they did the same to Somalis

View attachment 333343
the turks hate just like everyone else albeit very violent but wouldnt you be pissed if carbta were the ones who betrayed you working with the white man and turned your country (turkey) into a colony and your people displaced in the 1900's and now they are burning their country down and flock to yours.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
exactly lol. Carabta only have themselves to blame for this. Shia or not theres not a single, even a tiny tiny thing they can ever unite on. Even somali's with all their langaabnimo would defend somalis iyo africanka from cadaans and other people.
They live in different countries plus they all don’t like eachother
They were under a Turkish empire :kanyeshrug: so it was bound to happen anyways
true, however to work with the white man and the yahuud is just wild. The white man occuiped everything in turkey, turks had to basically sacrifce millions to get the borders they have now. The white man and the yahuud then told the arab man to f*ck off and now you have the arab world in flames and they are flocking to your country. The cuqdad is pretty understandable. Just a bit too barabaric.
islamically turkey is a basically a wannabe european country. Half of them believe they are white but you cant overlook what the syrian guy did
They are only islam by name majority don't really practise the relgion. The country isn't even powerful and had many issues. Glad S-land have nothing to do with them.