A Time When Somalia Was A Force To Be Reckon With

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Kenya was so afraid that Somalia would invade and totally annihilate them, that Somalia was asked to clarify whether it would invade or not invade. lol Somalia was so powerful. Today, it's completely the opposite.
afweyne destroyed our country with senseless war against ethiopia and made the country bankcorrupt economically.
habargidir levelled the pearl of the indian ocean to the ground and still mogadishu is recovering,what a shame.
Afweyne aka Af Libax was the most bravest, smartest Somali leader that we will ever know. The 77' war with Ethiopia was unanimously wanted by all Somalis. Mengistu order the rape Somali women, cutting off their breasts, pillaging Somali villages and taking and killings thousands of herds. From 1974 to 1977, Mengistu did more harm to the Somalis living in the occupied territory than any other Habesha leader has. Jaalle Siyaad responded swiftly and was about to topple Mengistu, when the Soviet Union intervened.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Somalia was a beggar state dependant on foreign aid from the Soviet Union. Our military was a paper tiger and folded when they stopped supporting us. Barre was an incompetent qabilist dictator nothing more. It is best we don't engage in revisionist history. I suggest reading more of what was actually going on from peer reviewed sources


Somalia was a beggar state dependant on foreign aid from the Soviet Union. Our military was a paper tiger and folded when they stopped supporting us. Barre was an incompetent qabilist dictator nothing more. It is best we don't engage in revisionist history. I suggest reading more of what was actually going on from peer reviewed sources

Same can be said for Ethiopia but no one has withdrawn support for them despite their military committing gross human rights violations. They're seriously underperforming considering their population size and always have been. Forget Siyaad Barre for a bit and think about that. Ethiopian borders are set in stone but when they cross into other countries illegally, kill both foreign nationals and their own with utter impunity and it makes you wonder what a tough job it was being enemies with that state. They still kill Somalis and so do Kenyans it's reported and then leaves the news on to the bright futures they have but the world has always hated Siyaad Barre for nationalizing what could have been their monopolies.
Somalia was never a force to be reckoned with. We should stop glorifying pre civil war Somalia when in fact it wasn't that impressive. It was something within Africa but not a whole lot on a global level. We should aspire to compete with powerful nations and not starving nations. If we want to be great...then we should start fresh. We can't build a new Somalia on the old blueprint that didn't work the first time..we have to do better.
Afweyne aka Af Libax was the most bravest, smartest Somali leader that we will ever know. The 77' war with Ethiopia was unanimously wanted by all Somalis. Mengistu order the rape Somali women, cutting off their breasts, pillaging Somali villages and taking and killings thousands of herds. From 1974 to 1977, Mengistu did more harm to the Somalis living in the occupied territory than any other Habesha leader has. Jaalle Siyaad responded swiftly and was about to topple Mengistu, when the Soviet Union intervened.

Where was Siyaad during the 1984 Wagalla Massacre in Kenya, when thousands of our Somali brothers were lined up and executed by the cowardly Kenyan Army?

If he's such a Libaax as you claim him to be, how come he didn't step forward and defend our people? And why did he shortly thereafter sign an agreement with Kenya recognizing their sovereignty over the NFD, which always was and always will be Somali territory?

Siyaad was a coward who pretended to he pro-Somali when in fact he was anything but. And that's an undeniable fact.
Somalia was never a force to be reckoned with. We should stop glorifying pre civil war Somalia when in fact it wasn't that impressive. It was something within Africa but not a whole lot on a global level. We should aspire to compete with powerful nations and not starving nations. If we want to be great...then we should start fresh. We can't build a new Somalia on the old blueprint that didn't work the first time..we have to do better.

Exactly. I totally agree with you. We were a 3rd-world African Republic that was hardly stable and deeply corrupt. Somalis need to get their heads out of their ass and acknowledge the painful truth.


Your superior
Somali republic had potential, unfortunately qabiil destroyed it. rip

Let's rebuild 2 successful nations from the ashes and avoid the mistakes of the Republic
It's laughable that kalshaale is glorifying an incapable dictator whom utilised propaganda on a level never known to Somalis. They say that propaganda is the sign of a weak state.

If you are to glorify siyad barre then you should do the same for saddam and gaddafi. Both ruled through mass propaganda and instilling fear into the population.
Somalia was never a force to be reckoned with. We should stop glorifying pre civil war Somalia when in fact it wasn't that impressive. It was something within Africa but not a whole lot on a global level. We should aspire to compete with powerful nations and not starving nations. If we want to be great...then we should start fresh. We can't build a new Somalia on the old blueprint that didn't work the first time..we have to do better.
Look at this ungrateful fucktard. Before 1977, the amount of Ogaden in the Kacaan government was very minimal. Post-1977, your uncles were given very high positions in the government and military. Yet, here you are speaking ill of the very government that not only fought to defend you, but clothed you, fed you, sheltered you, educated you and gave you pride. Your hatred for Mareexaan clouds your judgement. The Kacaan government was a Somali government and didn't belong to one specific person or clan.
Where was Siyaad during the 1984 Wagalla Massacre in Kenya, when thousands of our Somali brothers were lined up and executed by the cowardly Kenyan Army?

If he's such a Libaax as you claim him to be, how come he didn't step forward and defend our people? And why did he shortly thereafter sign an agreement with Kenya recognizing their sovereignty over the NFD, which always was and always will be Somali territory?

Siyaad was a coward who pretended to he pro-Somali when in fact he was anything but. And that's an undeniable fact.
The British, West and the Soviets would not allow Somalia to invade Kenya and take back the NFD after they saw what happened in 1977. Not to mention, by 1984, the West doubled up the military aid it gave to both Kenya and Ethiopia. The Soviets and the West both made sure Kenya and Ethiopia surpassed Somalia militarily. Kenya was under the British Common wealth, thus was under the wings of it's former colonial master. Many factors played in why Somalia was not able to invade Kenya in 1984 to safeguard the Somali population of NFD.
It's laughable that kalshaale is glorifying an incapable dictator whom utilised propaganda on a level never known to Somalis. They say that propaganda is the sign of a weak state.

If you are to glorify siyad barre then you should do the same for saddam and gaddafi. Both ruled through mass propaganda and instilling fear into the population.
All three leaders, after their departure, the country and the people they left behind became garbage. Look at Somalia, almost going into 30 years without peace, stability, governance, law and order; it's virtually non-existent. Look at Libya, after Gaddafi, the country went into total chaos. Anarchy, no rule of law, tribalism, terrorism, just like Somalia. Look at Iraq, after Saddam, irregardless of how many billions of dollars the West spends on reviving Iraq, it doesn't work, because the people turned into garbage. Shia vs Sunni animosity, terrorism, corruption, anarchy.

Under Siyaad, Somalia thrived. Somali Nationalism was at it's highest it has ever been.
Look at this ungrateful fucktard. Before 1977, the amount of Ogaden in the Kacaan government was very minimal. Post-1977, your uncles were given very high positions in the government and military. Yet, here you are speaking ill of the very government that not only fought to defend you, but clothed you, fed you, sheltered you, educated you and gave you pride. Your hatred for Mareexaan clouds your judgement. The Kacaan government was a Somali government and didn't belong to one specific person or clan.
I don't hate marehan and not everything has to be about qabiil. What exactly did we accomplish or contribute to ourselves or to the world since the 60s? As long as you can't see beyond qabiil and petty positions in a government that cannot produce anything at all...then you won't go far in life. ogaden this ogaden that..next time you should address me and my ideas not my qabiil as I did not mention any qabiil. Nacas!
Where was Siyaad during the 1984 Wagalla Massacre in Kenya, when thousands of our Somali brothers were lined up and executed by the cowardly Kenyan Army?

If he's such a Libaax as you claim him to be, how come he didn't step forward and defend our people? And why did he shortly thereafter sign an agreement with Kenya recognizing their sovereignty over the NFD, which always was and always will be Somali territory?

Siyaad was a coward who pretended to he pro-Somali when in fact he was anything but. And that's an undeniable fact.
Now Somalia which was one million only to fight ethopia on left and Kenya at south and at same time 1977 to fight French for annex Djibouti and had to deal with inside military groups all these fronts at same time. Group up and stop trashing your history and country for tribalism

Somalia was the bloody intermediator in Africa. Sharafta magaca Somaaliyeed lahaa bel eega.
BTW Arte was forgein minister and was issaq who loved Great Somalia more than anything else. I know his family he was from Berbera. In 1992 he refused to be part of Somaliland and went to Saudi where was friend of royal family. Poor man he was one of the best Somalis you can meet. Walking legend he was behind joining Arab league
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