A Time When Somalia Was A Force To Be Reckon With

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I blame muh nomadism and muh quasi Marxism


Somalis are natural born capitalists we shoulda unleashed their potential but lessons learned I guess.

I can't believe this is how low we've sunk tho. We literally lost. Our ethnic group has been completely subjugated.

The Somali public may have wanted it, but it was still an unneccessary war. Ethiopia and Somalia were both Soviet allies and they agreed to mediate the disputes and land claims amongst us. Then a few days later Iblis himself (Henry Kissinger) shows up in Xamar and pushes Barre into the trap of war, which he was already salivating to engage in. Hindsight is 20/20 but this was not a good move down the line for us and it achieved nothing.
I agree with you, if the Soviets would've mediated between both countries, possibly parts of Somali Galbeed might have been returned to Somalia. You never know.
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