Dhabarkay ka jabisay kabacdina ilkaha.Eedo thats too foul to bring up
Dhabarkay ka jabisay kabacdina ilkaha.Eedo thats too foul to bring up
Dhabarkay ka jabisay kabacdina ilkaha.
Mar mar lee waaye nooh. It spices things up.Adi kalay ma riyonosa eedo aa lugu dahay im just goin to assume you're female. Do you want to physically beat up your significant other by any chance
Waa kugu raacsanahay taas fr. The script need to get flipped at timesMar mar lee waaye nooh. It spices things up.
Did you not read the first post? Shes married with another something doesn't add up. Most mothers would want help with child-rearing. not sure why she would want you out of her kid's life unless there is something you are not telling us.
My son 6 this not seeing him been going on like 4 months. He know who his dad is and my sisters kids go the same primary school. Its calmMan, idk but you gotta act quick else your child’s gonna call the other nigga dad.
What do you do with these women tho? Confused.ccom vibes walahi. Hella cuqdad and she has a nex man who done wifed her and give her a nex child. Thats alright but why ywont she let see my seed but she playin happy family
why you so mad
Why do u think?why you so mad
nothing unusual thereIs no one gonna address how he calls his child a “seed”
Best people to share things with, the anonymity protects the person sharing.Doesn't seem like the kinda thing you should sharing with strangers on a forum bigman