A victory for secularism?! WTH is going on in France?

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
No but I sympathise with the French on this issue, it is their country after all. Imagine if some minorities had a problem with hilib ari in a Muslim or African country? They'd get spinach with bread or rice.

Pork is cheap and it's not forbidden to them so yeah, let them budget and serve crap to their people. The parents get packed lunches or hot homemade meals to their kids if they made the effort.

I don't think you believe your own words. It has nothing to do with cutting cost, the article clearly states that they equate 'Frenchness' with eating roasted pork. Not many in Muslim/African countries (given the same resources) would tell minorities to either eat hilib ari or go hungry.

Court battles and vicious political spats have erupted as protesters warn that controversial menu changes are sending a message to Muslim or Jewish children that to be truly French, they must eat roast pork. Politicians, as they go to war over the ham on school dinner plates, are fighting about the true meaning of French secularism and whether it has been hijacked and twisted by the right in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks.
I don't see the problem :notsureif: they can give you what ever they want because it's free right.
But I would tell em keep that :trash: Ima bring a sandwich.:sureman:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I don't see the problem :notsureif: they can give you what ever they want because it's free right.
But I would tell em keep that :trash: Ima bring a sandwich.:sureman:

You don't see the problem with little children being punished for being Muslim? They're being told to see pork or starve.:urgh:

Why should their parents have to pack them lunches when other children get free food?:reallymaury:
You don't see the problem with little children being punished for being Muslim? They're being told to see pork or starve.:urgh:

Why should their parents have to pack them lunches when other children get free food?:reallymaury:
True but the world ain't fair:francis: to be honest you as a foreigner who is getting free food for your child can't demand that they make exceptions for your child.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If you don't like the free food the government provide then pack your own lunch.

The entitlement is unbelievable.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
If you don't like the free food the government provide then pack your own lunch.

The entitlement is unbelievable.

Entitlement?! What are you on about?:wtfguccimane: Pork-free options were available. They won't be anymore because some right-wing nut jobs think not eating pork means you're not truly French.

True but the world ain't fair:francis: to be honest you as a foreigner who is getting free food for your child can't demand that they make exceptions for your child.

Therein lies the problem. You see them as foreigners even though they are French citizens and have every right to oppose this injustice. They're not asking for an exception. The exception was already there, but it's being removed now because of the right-wing war on Islam but I guess they should just be grateful for the free meals ( even though their children won't be eating them).:rudywhatever:


I don't think you believe your own words. It has nothing to do with cutting cost, the article clearly states that they equate 'Frenchness' with eating roasted pork. Not many in Muslim/African countries (given the same resources) would tell minorities to either eat hilib ari or go hungry.

Pork is high calorie and very cheap to rear pound for pound compared to other meats. It is a traditional meat for the working classes but I'm sure they'd be happy with some variety, hence my believing that its totally about budgets. I think its French austerity cuts being deflected on Muslims and Jews by the depraved French media. Or an inside joke.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Pork is high calorie and very cheap to rear pound for pound compared to other meats. It is a traditional meat for the working classes, but I'm sure they'd be happy with some variety, hence my believing that it's totally about budgets. I think its French austerity cuts being deflected on Muslims and Jews by the depraved French media. Or an inside joke.

Pork is not healthy. It's riddled with more toxins than other meats. I'm stating the obvious here, but they are cheap to rear because they will eat everything from their feces to dead carcasses. If I was a logical person I would stay away from swine. That and it goes against my belief system and I'm health conscious. Just say no to (worms) aka trichinellosis. :win:


Lol sophisticate! There is nothing like nomad reared meat. Pig is on a long list of animals I won't eat. They're just big fat warthogs.

I've seen videos of those parasites going into people's brains.

Eating pork is also haram for Christians but they're too gaajo to quit so let them eat pork.
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