A war erupted between 2 countries that guves a glimpse into Somalia vs SL conflict

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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
my grandma is reer borama and her whole family and everyone in the city claim somaliland i been to the city myself.

Stop talking on a issue that you clearly know nothing about,
:eating:May your ayeeyo live in peace in to her 100s...Some folks would like to see nothing but chaos, even in the most peaceful region in the Horn......
@ReeBorama arent you Samarone
Through and through bro, and a one that would shed blood for the blessed Laanta :gunsmiley:
Dont fall for this cheap janbal.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
:eating:May your ayeeyo live in peace in to her 100s...Some folks would like to see nothing but chaos, even in the most peaceful region in the Horn......

Through and through bro, and a one that would shed blood for the blessed Laanta :gunsmiley:
Dont fall for this cheap janbal.
Ameen brother thank you i love my reer gudabursi family and the city of boroma was my favourite spot then arabsiyo after.
That's two words. Also don't Khaatumo people have the right not to bow to the colonial borders they fought hard against in the first place?

Colonial borders are what matter when it comes to sorting borders in africa. If Somalilands case is taken up by international community, khatumo will be considered the minority against independence. And you don't make decisions based on a minority. The best thing for all concerned would be if Somalia started negotiating with Somaliland towards independence, this would probably mean some areas in the east of SL going to Somalia. If Somalia instead allows the issue to be taken up by outsiders (which is inevitable if a war occurs & which is unfortunately increasingly likely), then those areas are less likely to be given up by SL, who will hunker down on colonial borders.


Prince of East Africa
Typical moryaan that's all they know bandits iyo killers weeye wuxu xoolo weeye.
Go back to highjacking ships you mirqaan MJ


Colonia borders are what matter when it comes to sorting borders. If Somalilands case is taken up by international community, khatumo will be considered the minority against independence. And you don't make decisions based on a minority. The best thing for all concerned would be if Somalia started negotiating with Somaliland towards independence, this would probably mean some areas in the east of SL going to Somalia. If Somalia instead allows the issue to be taken up by outsiders (which is inevitable if a war occurs & which is unfortunately increasingly likely), then those areas are less likely to be given up by SL, who will hunker down on colonial borders.

South Sudan did not get independence through the colonial borders. Those borders don't mean everything. If there are people who don't want to secede and they have their own administration and arguments it's up to SL to negotiate not Somalia. Somalia wants to remain intact and that includes the regions in SL border.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:eating:May your ayeeyo live in peace in to her 100s...Some folks would like to see nothing but chaos, even in the most peaceful region in the Horn......

Through and through bro, and a one that would shed blood for the blessed Laanta :gunsmiley:
Dont fall for this cheap janbal.

Are you calling suldaan Weber a liar?


Prince of East Africa
South Sudan did not get independence through the colonial borders. Those borders don't mean everything. If there are people who don't want to secede and they have their own administration and arguments it's up to SL to negotiate not Somalia. Somalia wants to remain intact and that includes the regions in SL border.
All your posts are full of blatants lies.Fix up
South Sudan did not get independence through the colonial borders. Those borders don't mean everything. If there are people who don't want to secede and they have their own administration and arguments it's up to SL to negotiate not Somalia. Somalia wants to remain intact and that includes the regions in SL border.

Yes, but south sudan and sl are not the same. SL's entire claim is based on colonial borders.

"If there are people who don't want to secede and they have their own administration and arguments it's up to SL to negotiate not Somalia" <----- Who can SL negotiate with on anything if Somalia is not even willing to consider SL indpedence, that doesn't make any sense. The ball is in Somalias court as they are the internationally recognized gov.


Yes, but south sudan and sl are not the same. SL's entire claim is based on colonial borders.

"If there are people who don't want to secede and they have their own administration and arguments it's up to SL to negotiate not Somalia" <----- Who can SL negotiate with on anything if Somalia is not even willing to consider SL indpedence, that doesn't make any sense. The ball is in Somalias court as they are the internationally recognized gov.

You said that the IC only respected colonial borders and that's why I brought up South Sudan. SL is depending on that arguments, no one else.

You have to negotiate with Khaatumo, remove their land from your country or put an incentive in the constitution for them. Right now even in your replies there's no incentives for them to secede.
Gaal aa tahay you don't have a say infact you're granted persona non grata :ftw9nwa:

Gaal atahey tell that to the imf and all the ngos and rest of the world who feed Somalia persona non grata my foot infact Somalia is begging every gaal country on this planet, the gaal is the only life line for a delusional skinny such as your self
You said that the IC only respected colonial borders and that's why I brought up South Sudan. SL is depending on that arguments, no one else.

You have to negotiate with Khaatumo, remove their land from your country or put an incentive in the constitution for them. Right now even in your replies there's no incentives for them to secede.

I never said they 'only' respected it. It goes without saying that south sudan is not based on a colonial border. But the reason why the majority of independence movements around africa do not go anywhere is because of the 'territorial integrity' argument which is usual based on colonial borders. Somalilands argument is that it had independence, it's recognised (colonial) borders and willing joined a union with another country, which in no longer wants to be part of. It's an entirely different claim and the colonial borders and former independence along those borders are a very important part of the argument.

I haven't made an argument for them to be pro-somaliland because that's not really what we were discussing, I also am open to them going with Somalia, if that's what they so choose - but Somalia has to negotiate with SL towards independence for this to happen. I think it is naive to think SL would drop their most important argument for independence without even first having assurances from Somalia (which is what changing the border claims now would do). It would be a genuinely retarded move. If SL gov does that, I could only reasonably assume they are shooting themselves in the foot deliberately, for whatever reason.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Gaal atahey tell that to the imf and all the ngos and rest of the world who feed Somalia persona non grata my foot infact Somalia is begging every gaal country on this planet, the gaal is the only life line for a delusional skinny such as your self
You mean the money the European colonialist pillaged & plundered from the rest of the world including Somalia? The least the can do is pay a few penny's after they've taken billions, war I was referring to Somalis not ajnabis.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Racer one crucial thing that's sets us apart is iman, without that there's no bond stronger, so we can't relate as far as I'm concerned you might aswell be ajnabi.
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