Boowe Iska amuus oo damiirkada Iska raac, nin taalin jirin hadu taaliyo dhad oo taagey jirin ba tagaa ma garatey.Anyone who thinks Mogadishu cares about SL and Puntland is crazy,Mogadishu Politicians actually cares much about the southern part of the country,if PL and SL declare their indpedence ,i will gladly welcome and deport all there residents who illegally stay in south somalia.
Why don't your Ogaden brothers fight Xabeshi in Ethiopia for Somaliweyn.Typical hypocriteThe logic of qaldans we want Isaac United, ruling the land that the British colonial masters gave us under the borders drew on a map. Gaalo dhul ma bixiiyan ee illahay ba ummada ku abuuro, your colonial masters words are not sacrosanct, Muslim ba nahay, if you want independence isaacow stop claiming lands that don't belong to you & oppressing Samaroon iyo Dhulbhante, what you were accusing siad barre if you're currently doing, Dulmi diidow dulmi doon ha noqon.
Why don't your Isaac brothers in ogadenia fight the xabeshi for their independence & also somaliland independence.Why don't your Ogaden brothers fight Xabeshi in Ethiopia for Somaliweyn.Typical hypocrite
This guy is talking like Dhulbhante is minority amongst the Somali, don't you know they're Darood? You have Ogaden, mareexan all bordering you, ninkii iis waalaba waabiya hela boowe.
Are those holding the flag of Somalia on your display pic amisom troops in xamar
Why don't your Ogaden brothers fight Xabeshi in Ethiopia for Somaliweyn.Typical hypocrite
Stay secluded from the rest of Somalis in your tiny little enclave you cuqdad prone rodents lolDont call me boowe, I don't talk that feminine dialect.Talk to me when this majority has 1 major city...because all I see is "faqri iyo faan"
No, your claim is false. Khatumo did not exist pre or post independence. The area claimed by khatumo was part of the Somaliland British protectorate before independence and the State of Somaliland post independence. The area claimed by Khatumo is a part of Somalia only as a consequence of the State of Somaliland joining that union.
This is a good point. The Somaliweyn ideology is not a good argument to make for union as it is basically an impossible dream when looked at seriously. And in any case, subscribing to the ideology has to be by the choice of the people and not by force, otherwise it is effectively no different to colonialism.
Stay secluded from the rest of Somalis in your tiny little enclave you cuqdad prone rodents lol
And somehow we're ahead in everyway possible. Stay salty in your barren wasteland, they might propose to film mad max 3 in that useless sand dune
The colonial border is your argument and Khaatumos argument is the plain fact that they're a part of Somalia, have been since independence and want to remain a part of it. Why can't you accept that being a part of a country and not wanting to leave is a very valid argument.
The irony.
KhowDheh you think we are going around in circles, but really you're just not accepting facts. Khatumo did not exist until very recently, they are part of Somalia because The State of Somaliland joined into a union with for Somalia Italia. Since independence from Britain, they joined into a Union as part of the state of somaliland. Come on now.
I've a-ok with them going with Somalia (as I have already stated), but that can't happen without Somalia agreeing to independence. They are in a bind because Somalia won't accept SL's independence, they're beef should be with them.
You don't get it actually. I understood your argument but it's flawed because Khaatumo is a part of Somalia post independence, which is important for you to understand. Khaatumo was created to make sure it remains a part of Somalia. It would never have been created of the threat of secession to abother country wasn't there. Technically they could join Puntland but they want to be their own region and manage their own resources.
1. This is a nonsense statement, and that's why you are confused. The area claimed by Khatumo was a part of The State of Somaliland that joined into the union with the former Somalia Italia. (Please tell me if you outright deny this. Because that's the only way what your're saying ould make sense) Which is why a negotiation is necessary between SL and Somalia to cede whatever territory is agreed upon. A negotiating I would welcome.
2. Nobody is saying Khatumo doesn't want to be part of Somalia. In fact that is obviously true. I mean what is the point of saying that. Their wish to be part of Somalia is the central issue when it comes to the khatumo folks.
What are you on. I have repeatedly stated that you have your colonial border argument and Khaatumo has it's post colonial border argument. That's basically where the argument starts going round in circles for you.