a white racist in Maine goes berserk while driving behind a car driven by a Somali bc their car is

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Looooooooooooooool@ its hard being young and white.

He didn't sound young to me but then again their 25 year old at times looks like a 45 year old because of reckless eating of doonfaar..hada ninkan his esophagus passage has been cloaked by doonfar baruur that he sounds much older :draketf:and too much eating the doonfar has also rendered him a true retard, the type that can easily take his own personal frustration on an innocent somalis by mowing thrm down with his easily attained AR-15...ila ahay ha naga qabtee at times while I'm sitting at the mosque on a Juma prayer I think to myself how a bloodbath can occur if a lunatic cadaan opens fire ..the only thing that can stop him is running out of bullets ..we are Ill prepared :francis:
He didn't sound young to me but then again their 25 year old at times looks like a 45 year old because of reckless eating of doonfaar..hada ninkan his esophagus passage has been cloaked by doonfar baruur that he sounds much older :draketf:and too much eating the doonfar has also rendered him a true retard, the type that can easily take his own personal frustration on an innocent somalis by mowing thrm down with his easily attained AR-15...ila ahay ha naga qabtee at times while I'm sitting at the mosque on a Juma prayer I think to myself how a bloodbath can occur if a lunatic cadaan opens fire ..the only thing that can stop him is running out of bullets ..we are Ill prepared :francis:
I laughed harder at that than I should have.:stressed:
Worst that can happen in uk is getting stabbed.:tacky: I remember reading somewhere that America has the highest concentration of retarded people.


Your superior
we know whites can't compete in a free and fair system, they have a massive chip on their shoulders. No one can afford a luxury car like that if they are on welfare plus "8 kids" can't fit in that Infiniti car . typical white, see someone more successful and cry about it. If he wasn't fucking children like these peckerwoods do or getting ready to shoot up a school, maybe we would've been successful.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Somalis have taken over the comment section and are calling him every name under the sun. lol
They roasting him hard:damn::chrisfreshhah::deadmanny:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If this was madow or yahuud they'd cry anti Semitic and cunsurinimo. The only way to deal with losers like him is annihilate him and roast him and turn the tables until he cries racism.

Tomorrow he will make a post crying how Somalis were being racist towards him.



Is guy's like this that start ranting and raving on storm front, next thing he is on the six o'clock news.
Lol @ "8 kids with iPhones in an Infiniti car". I hear white people complain a lot about immigrants "freeloading". Does anyone in the US have any information about this, how does it work? I know in my country new asylum seekers get some welfare assistance, but nothing close to splurging on luxury cars and gadgets for 8 kids.
Welfare doesn't get you an Infiniti. He's ignorant and racist.

They are either hard workers or are involved in the khat/drug business.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
The today's somali in the US is driving a $60k SUVs, an indication of their new found purchasing power. Somalis are understanding the system and are exploiting it just like the white men does. A lot of the money comes to them in January.
You cant win with this dirty hillbilly white trash, if you are working they are screaming you are taking our jobs, if you are on welfare, they are moaning as well even though they are on welfare themselves.

They remind me of this Southpark episode.

Ninkaan waa xayawaan qumay ah! Cadaan people don't like minorities like us to have nice things such as expensive cars or houses. They just assume every somali person who has nice things is because of welfare.
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