A youtuber visits Puntland


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Eh, not really? Because at the end of the day, we all have a finite lifespan caring about such things are just a general waste of time. Even if i were to be concerned, what can I do? Go ask the government to do something, before we complain about anything we must fix our country and get rid of qabil. Especially back home it's a plague on our people
Purr, many like me n @pinkyandthebrain wanna return. Lets fix this country!
Acting like your fellow Somali citizens are some sort of alien virus is despicable.

At the end of the day our homeland is Somalia, we are Somali citizens. The entirety of the land is our home, whether you are Hawiye, MJ, Bantu or Reer Xamar.

You guys will understand when you grow up or get an education, either or.
Who said the entire homeland is yours? Somalia and its regions are for ethnic Somalis only. We Somalis have to understand what we own and stop this limp wrist @Periplus from pushing his notions. Warya if you haven't learnt yet Somalia is for ethnic Somalis none of this kumbaya talk is allowed in ownership of Somalia. What my Awwowa fought and died for will not be given to you because your Somali citizen if your not ethnic Somali. If you feel but hurt go back to where your Awwowa is original from for instance Tanzania or yemen.
Qabiil will slowly stop being relevant as the country becomes more prosperous inshallah 🙏
Qabil should be used for map topography, but it's not qabil that stoping Somalia from prospering it because of poor leadership and greed abyo. We have people that don't want to educate the youth because they will learn how much corruption is going on. if you can't read or write how will you understand your country gdp and yearly national aid program? don't never forget your Qabil its important.
Puntland is being heavily colonized by Oromo from Ethiopia, Bantus, iyo other southern clans. The local traditional reer Puntland will be overtaken by population and will become like the Palestinians. F them. They deserve it because most of them are super liberals who always welcome anyone to their land even if they know about the dangers of having shisheye in their land.
Who said the entire homeland is yours? Somalia and its regions are for ethnic Somalis only. We Somalis have to understand what we own and stop this limp wrist @Periplus from pushing his notions. Warya if you haven't learnt yet Somalia is for ethnic Somalis none of this kumbaya talk is allowed in ownership of Somalia. What my Awwowa fought and died for will not be given to you because your Somali citizen if your not ethnic Somali. If you feel but hurt go back to where your Awwowa is original from for instance Tanzania or yemen.
He's an Australian far left woke liberal trash. He probably has a dyed blue hair and possibly a rainbow 🌈 flag hanging somewhere in his house.
Puntland is being heavily colonized by Oromo from Ethiopia, Bantus, iyo other southern clans. The local traditional reer Puntland will be overtaken by population and will become like the Palestinians. F them. They deserve it because most of them are super liberals who always welcome anyone to their land even if they know about the dangers of have shisheye in their land.
This can be said about Somaliland also because they are being invaded about s and even it's getting to the point they are creating a large church for them so they can feel comfortable. All Somalia regions have issues stop just point your finger at one region while 3 are point back at your region.
This can be said about Somaliland also because they are being invaded about s and even it's getting to the point they are creating a large church for them so they can feel comfortable. All Somalia regions have issues stop just point your finger at one region while 3 are point back at your region.
My family on my dad's side is from Puntland. If other regions are happy building churches for gaalo Ethiopians then that's on them. I just want my reer Puntland people to wake up and stop this mass suicide they're committing. My God, all of PL big cities has been colonized by Bantus, Oromos, and others. We need a mass deportation program asap. Not out of hate, but out of survival.


My family on my dad's side is from Puntland. If other regions are happy building churches for gaalo Ethiopians then that's on them. I just want my reer Puntland people to wake up and stop this mass suicide they're committing. My God, all of PL big cities has been colonized by Bantus, Oromos, and others. We need a mass deportation program asap. Not out of hate, but out of survival.
bantus are in camps is not like they're taking over homes or jobs. I'm sue they wont be in puntland forever
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Who said the entire homeland is yours? Somalia and its regions are for ethnic Somalis only. We Somalis have to understand what we own and stop this limp wrist @Periplus from pushing his notions. Warya if you haven't learnt yet Somalia is for ethnic Somalis none of this kumbaya talk is allowed in ownership of Somalia. What my Awwowa fought and died for will not be given to you because your Somali citizen if your not ethnic Somali. If you feel but hurt go back to where your Awwowa is original from for instance Tanzania or yemen.

All this yappa yappa, I am an ethnic Somali lmao.

Don’t project your insecurities onto me.

All this yappa yappa, I am an ethnic Somali lmao.

Don’t project your insecurities onto me.

I see your not gone deny being limp wristed. I bet you have tied your shirt in a knot on your chest area to show off your belly button.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Ofc i have no right to decide whos somali or not. However my views are derived from the islamic sharia, you are what your father is. My closed minded ethnocentric views have nothing to do with it.

That doesn’t really translate well to modern citizenship though.

What about a white man who has one Somali great-grandfather on his dads side. He’s technically an ethnic Somali via sharia but his DNA is basically white and he has no practical connection to Somalia.

Is he more of a Somali than a Bantu Muslim who can speak Somali, has some Somali DNA and has lived in Somalia for generations?

The deen is the deen but we are talking about citizenship, which even in Islam, restrictive ethnocentric immigration is bid3ah that was never practiced by an Islamic government.


The solution to this is harti women accepting polygamy. Tartan baa jira, our ancestors especially our grandfathers and great grandfathers generation put in solid work.Each having over 100 descendants and 20 kids on average.Nobody is telling you to marry Nin aanan dhaqaale lahayn, Nin ina adeerka oo hanti kugu filan haysta xaas labaad uu noqo. If our people didn’t practice polygamy maanta awood ma haysan lahayn.


Somali Bantus are Somalis, they are free to settle anywhere within somali borders as they please.As a puntlander they are welcome in my home state. Qof walba oo puntlandar ah wey simanyihiin in the eyes of allah and the law. There shouldn’t be any handouts, set up shop and get to work to feed your family, it’s the way of the world. For those of you who are ethnocentric either get your money up and have a bunch of kids or aamus. These people are Muslim brothers and sisters and are somali citizens, si kasto wax naag dhaxeeya waxa laysu yahay baa ka weyn


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