Films like Black Panther are pushing the agenda that all of Africa equals Nilotic or Bantu.Other people of Africa are deemed as unauthentic Africans or products of mixing . Amandla Stenberg said she refused the audition film because she was too “light skin”. There are no Africans with curly or wavy hair because they wanted the film to represent “true African hair “.
Ironically, the film appropriates Ethiopian Jewellery and clothing but finds no place for people with their skin tone or features for obvious ideological reasons.
It is a basically a neo Afrocentric film.There is no place for Islam or Christianity (what is Ethiopia without the cross?) in the film yet they find room for ancient Egyptian and Hindu gods to be worshiped in the middle of Uganda . The film starts off with Muslims kidnapping young girls which has obvious propaganda effects.
#suugo media.
#streets gotta eat.
Ps. Africa was originally a Roman name for the Berber inhabitants of North/West Africa .Some believe it may actually be the name of a Berber tribe.The connotation of Africa equals black starts with colonialism and pan African liberation movement .