AA women go crazy over this

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Not your typical Farah
They have good reason to be sensitive to this type of shit. A good portion of their men are self-hating coons who snatch some white chick as soon as they can.
Well, they can either try to have a dialogue with these self-hating blacks guys or ignore them. But, talking about black love, staying natural, etc and then ing about something like this is, screams insecurity.
Well, they can either try to have a dialogue with these self-hating blacks guys or ignore them. But, talking about black love, staying natural, etc and then ing about something like this is, screams insecurity.
dude, of course they would be insecure. these guys would drop kick them to get at a fat whale as long as she is white. their situation is comparable to Asian men whose women don't want anything to with them.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Well, they can either try to have a dialogue with these self-hating blacks guys or ignore them. But, talking about black love, staying natural, etc and then ing about something like this is, screams insecurity.
Of course some of them are insecure. They've had their culture snatched away from them and they live in a majority white society that constantly bombards them with the idea that their looks, natural hair, everything about them is ugly. And then on top of that they see many of their own men enforcing this by marrying out when they achieve any sort of success. Any normal person would be rightfully angry about that.

You're looking at it from the perspective of an African who still has his native culture, a connection to his roots, and from that can derive a sense of self love ans self worth. They don't have any of that.


Wouldn't you think its strange that many successful/famous AA seem to go for lighter skin? Even in the pic not a single one was with a sista
They don't want to deal with the ratchetness of the dark skin AA females. It's either a white woman or a light skin black woman. They don't realise that they are playing themselves though. Whenever a successful black man marries a white woman often times the white woman ends up divorcing him and taking all his money. This happened to countless of AA men. In my opinion, they should not go for white women when they become successful, it could end up becoming problematic.
I understand that colorism is very prevalent in the black community. But, I don't believe it's very appropriate to talk about it from a Christmas photo. Considering that it's a inside joke. People talking about boycotting his movies and un-following over this shit? People gotta read between the lines and know that not everything is out to get them.
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