Abandoning the Qur'ān by Shaykh Sulaymān ibn Salīmullāh al-Ruḥaylī (حفظه الله)

Omar del Sur

(I am not really a big supporter of this sheikh but irrespetive of some controversial takes he's had on things like boycotting... that doesn't mean what he says here is wrong. abandoment of the Quran is a serious danger that people need to be careful of)

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
I didn't want to talk about this Sheikh but since you asked, I tried to answer, I'll put it in a spoiler insha'Allah as it became long:

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from this video what i got from it was if you rule with laws not sent by allah but your believe the man made laws are superior it’s major kufr but if you rule other then allahs law but believe the sharia is superior it’s minor kufr.

Omar del Sur

from this video what i got from it was if you rule with laws not sent by allah but your believe the man made laws are superior it’s major kufr but if you rule other then allahs law but believe the sharia is superior it’s minor kufr.

look at what Sheikh Fawzan says in the video:


if there is a particular instance here and there where the ruler doesn't follow the shariah- kufr duna kufr, minor kufr.

but this is different than removing the shariah and replacing it with man-man laws that contradict the shariah. this is kufr akbar.

If some person comes, they are like Ataturk- they dismantle the shariah. but they don't say "I believe my laws are better than the shariah". how would the kufr duna kufr quotation of Ibn Abbas be applied to this?

Ibn Abbas saying kufr duna kufr was in the context of debating the khawarij about Ali. the khawarij claimed that Ali didn't rule by what Allah revealed in a particular incident/issue.

but obviously, Ali was not some Ataturk who dismantled the shariah.

so why would the report of Ibn Abbas be applied to someone who is like Ataturk- that is very obviously not at all what Ibn Abbas was talking about. so ppl are playing with that report, twisting things.