Abdijohn sounding battyman brings together weird looking (coming 2 America type) Miss Africa

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Now this is a sexy woman. Male to female transgender. Xaxxxxx
I honestly wouldn't be able to tell. The surgeon is highly skilled
Adeer what in the lawd's name is this?
Yo, if you didn't mention she was trans, I would legit think it was a real woman

She's banging. There are thousands of sexy transgender women like her. She's one of the most sexist females I ever met. She puts almost all females on Earth to shame


Jet life till my next life
She's banging. There are thousands of sexy transgender women like her. She's one of the most sexist females I ever met. She puts almost all females on Earth to shame

This is Art bruh!
One question though she still has the dick or what? @waraabe would definitely hit that


What Miss Kenya is wearing reminds me of this Oromo attire :


you can see embedded sea shells similar to the one Miss Kenya is wearing.
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