AbdiJohnson is not gay.

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
He's a fraud. A pretender.

He's also a poor representation of Atheists. Waa fuley. He doesn't publicly say he's Atheist. He hasn't come out to his parents.

I've come out to my dad and sisters. I've done more to help young Somali Atheists than AJ ever has. All he does is walk around Edmonton and report to us on SS how many Somalis don't fast. That's all he contributes to Atheism.

@Geeljire could you repost that post AbdiJohnson made about him talking shit to get big threads numbers?
Honestly I have no issues with @AbdiJohnson I find him entertaining. I dont take what he says seriously.

I actually miss his Somnet signature that was just clever and at the time I thought he had really perfected his internett persona. Even his name ''AbdiJohnson'' is funny. Sspot changed him. He used to be quick witted with his responses and especially in the way he really agitated people. This guy brought emotional disturbance on people in a hilarious manner.

He had soo much influence that we are even using his terminology like ''Bootyclapper''. :ulachen001::ulachen001:

This place will be boring if he leaves.
@AbdiJohnson will do anything it takes to get the hits (even if that means by making up some bullshit stuff and creating controversial topics for more viewership and members) because he owns the site, duh! Are people that thick to have not figured that out by now? There's nothing wrong with him owning the site, though he tries too hard to hide it.

AJ decided to create a Somali forum when he got banned from somnet back last year. The main reason as to why he hides the ownership is so that people don't think he's mad and created this site as a revenge. He was more interesting and fun back in that forum. Also those who knew about Duchess' issues with the owner/mods of the other site would get why she came on board here.

You're welcome. :)

Edit: @Geeljire knows what's up. Have just seen his comment right after I've posted mine. haha


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You don't remember the Majerteen shoah of 2012?

I remember Abdi claiming to have made out with a fob chick just a few months ago


John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Aj is most likely heavily involved either with csis or is a lowkey internet jihadi.


He subtly predicts these things. Watch carefully.
Waryaa @AbdiJohnson what happened to your funny signature ? I thought they were hilarious

I am,

Abdi "Im a fraud" Johnson

This AbdiJohnson back in somnet.

"Does your family and somali friends know you are no longer muslim?

I am,

Ahlul "Johnson leading double life" Bayt"

'Yaxye in English is John, so Abdi Yaxye is Abdi Johnson if you "translate" it'.

This guy is a joker.
Please bring back your signature. They were genuinely hilarious.

I am,

Vice president of the Atheist Brotherhood of Århus

The signatures are hard work. I had to think of them. And I usually just posted one post in a thread which made it more realistic.

But it could be brought back with popular demand
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