AbdiJohnson is not gay.

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He's a fraud. A pretender.

He's also a poor representation of Atheists. Waa fuley. He doesn't publicly say he's Atheist. He hasn't come out to his parents.

I've come out to my dad and sisters. I've done more to help young Somali Atheists than AJ ever has. All he does is walk around Edmonton and report to us on SS how many Somalis don't fast. That's all he contributes to Atheism.

@Geeljire could you repost that post AbdiJohnson made about him talking shit to get big threads numbers?

Dude, this is Somalispot. People say outrageous things which they don't really believe just to get a reaction out of each other. Everyone here does it, so you shouldn't think too much into it. A huge chunk of what I say on this website I don't really believe, but it's good when it comes to creating discussion.
He's a fraud. A pretender.

He's also a poor representation of Atheists. Waa fuley. He doesn't publicly say he's Atheist. He hasn't come out to his parents.

I've come out to my dad and sisters. I've done more to help young Somali Atheists than AJ ever has. All he does is walk around Edmonton and report to us on SS how many Somalis don't fast. That's all he contributes to Atheism.

@Geeljire could you repost that post AbdiJohnson made about him talking shit to get big threads numbers?
I don't know @AbdiJohnson and his situation. But, you consider any ex-Muslim Agnostic/Atheist a coward if they don't come out to their parents? What if the parents are going to disown them and that Somali Atheist values the relationship with their parents? I read on another thread that you help other atheists and that's amazing. But, you seem like ragging Somali Nationalist and very anti-white, according to that thread. Look I'm glad your open about your Atheism and helping other Somali atheists, but many of us who are in the closet are working with organizations and soon creating a "SecularSomalia" project. But, if someone has a different view of you, that doesn't mean they're white ass kissers or would sell out their parents and people. I hope my projections are wrong about you.
Atheists have always existed not all of them are western influenced or created , people have had problem religion have always been in existence. I think that is what contrasts @Bielsa from other ''New Atheists''. Unlike them he loves his own people, culture and is very much culturally Somali & muslim. You can tell by the phrases he use as well. His disbelief in God does not grow out of the same root as other Atheists who worship all things western like a plague.

The New Atheists like @BigGus @supz @JohnDoe which we are seeing are different they literally wish death upon religious people and are supremely self righteous & intolerant influenced by the likes of Richard Dawkins, Bil Maher and other cronies.

The new atheists, led by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris, do not make moral arguments about religion. Rather, they have created a new form of fundamentalism that attempts to permeate society with ideas about our own moral superiority and the omnipotence of human reason. Hedges claims that those who have placed blind faith in the morally neutral disciplines of reason and science create idols in their own image -- a sin for either side of the spectrum. He makes an impassioned, intelligent case against religious and secular fundamentalism, which seeks to divide the world into those worthy of moral and intellectual consideration and those who should be condemned, silenced and eradicated. (Amazon.com)

Secularism replaces God with an anthropocentric moral argument divorced from the reality that Religion played and plays a critical role in the formation of civilizations and thus is a central aspect of our very humanity.
Atheists have always existed not all of them are western influenced or created , people have had problem religion have always been in existence. I think that is what contrasts @Bielsa from other ''New Atheists''. Unlike them he loves his own people, culture and is very much culturally Somali & muslim. You can tell by the phrases he use as well. His disbelief in God does not grow out of the same root as other Atheists who worship all things western like a plague.

The New Atheists like @BigGus @supz @JohnDoe which we are seeing are different they literally wish death upon religious people and are supremely self righteous & intolerant influenced by the likes of Richard Dawkins, Bil Maher and other cronies.

Secularism replaces God with an anthropocentric moral argument divorced from the reality that Religion played and plays a critical role in the formation of civilizations and thus is a central aspect of our very humanity.

I couldn't have said it better. Agree completely.
Atheists have always existed not all of them are western influenced or created , people have had problem religion have always been in existence. I think that is what contrasts @Bielsa from other ''New Atheists''. Unlike them he loves his own people, culture and is very much culturally Somali & muslim. You can tell by the phrases he use as well. His disbelief in God does not grow out of the same root as other Atheists who worship all things western like a plague.

The New Atheists like @BigGus @supz @JohnDoe which we are seeing are different they literally wish death upon religious people and are supremely self righteous & intolerant influenced by the likes of Richard Dawkins, Bil Maher and other cronies.

Secularism replaces God with an anthropocentric moral argument divorced from the reality that Religion played and plays a critical role in the formation of civilizations and thus is a central aspect of our very humanity.
You need citations of me wanting religious people dead sxb. Without that, shut the f*ck up.
You need citations of me wanting religious people dead sxb. Without that, shut the f*ck up.

Maybe I was talking in too general terms, but that's what some New Atheists think. If you dont fit into that mark feel free to disidentify.

Spiritual systems are found, without exception, in every indigenous society; independent of geography, independent of ethnicity and independent of time. Its ironic religion gets full billing anytime a building is blown up, but rarely credited for its role in shaping all the things we take for granted.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

Here is Racer wishing death upon muslims and Johndoe finding his comment funny. I honestly want to know what kind of households were they raised to hate muslims like that. Don't they have muslim families? Even your average Joe isn't filled with hatred towards muslims like that.
is the one who wants us dead. Why don't you call him out for his beliefs and unlike you I can provide quotes of him saying this.

Warya shut the hell up. If you actually genuinely believe that I want you dead, then you're definitely stupider than you look. As I said earlier in this thread, a large chunk of what we say on this forum is bullshit and not actually what we believe.

You should have been able to figure this out already you khat-induced dog.
Warya shut the hell up. If you actually genuinely believe that I want you dead, then you're definitely stupider than you look. As I said earlier in this thread, a large chunk of what we say on this forum is bullshit and not actually what we believe.

You should have been able to figure this out already you khat-induced dog.

Buhuhu I'm sorry that you're not known for your sarcasm

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