Abdirahman Farole announces candidacy for Somalia presidency

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“I hereby declare that I am a candidate running for Somalia’s presidency – I felt called to by people to improve their lives for the better.” said Abdirahman Farole, the former Puntland president who lost electons to Abdiweli Mohamed in 2014 at a oress conference in Garowe, the regional capital of Puntland.

“I am Mullah; I am a man who never considered bad deeds over the good deeds which can enable me in advancing the country’s political roadmap with an emphasis of improving security.” He said at his candidacy announcement event.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Faroole is the right type of mooryan for President:lol: I hope he wins. He understands the hawiye and darood subclans and knows how to deal with them. Did he really call himself a mullah:chrisfreshhah:
Well , he can't be worst than this president which is being guarded by a amisom troops due to him being so unpopular that he can't even trust his own people to guard his life .


Suldaanka Gobyare
I'd take Faroole any day over Hassan Sheekh. Faroole doesnt look like a sissy.

Isn't this the same guy that extended his presidential term in Puntland by changing its constitution? I doubt he has respect for any democratic values, if anything, he will sabotage the little hope people have for true reform


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Faroole made Somali politics interesting. His speeches were legendary because he gave zero fucks. I remember when he went to the somali parliament in Mogadishu and said i have never seen a city uglier than xamar siilaanyolaugh


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Isn't this the same guy that extended his presidential term in Puntland by changing its constitution? I doubt he has respect for any democratic values, if anything, he will sabotage the little hope people have for true reform

He didn't change the constitution. The process was already underway when he was elected President.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
He's definitely one of the few old school politicians left in the scene.
Faroole is a Majnuun. He is macangag, and doesn't know anything about diplomacy.

Also, he can't even manage his own family, with 1 of his sons shooting his mom.

He has a bad reputation. So absolutely No.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Faroole is a Majnuun. He is macangag, and doesn't know anything about diplomacy.

Also, he can't even manage his own family, with 1 of his sons shooting his mom.

He has a bad reputation. So absolutely No.
It's the will of Allah you spastic, there's something that are out of our control, to use that as an example says a lot about your character.
Somalia election should be held in every 5 year.dooro presidency is a disaster and should be a thing of the past.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So this whole time you were really the small teeth Jabarti:sheed:
I'm mj, I'm not a qabiliiste like yourself ma garatey, I would vote for an Isaac man over a Darood if I believe he could bring good now go back to your three bedrooms & keep yourself secluded like a female during her menstrual cycle.
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