Abdis: Would you marry a Xalimo who been in relationship with a Madoow before?

Abdis: Would you marry a Xalimo who been in relationship with a Madoow before?

  • Yes

  • No

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Why limit it just to madows? Isit less worse, had it be a Cadaan or Arab or Asian?
Any xalimo, who engages in any kind of relations with an ajnabi, should be disowned. Enough of this: " as long as he's Muslim". There are Muslim Jins in our world, should we then accept a Jin-xalimo relationship? C'mon now......


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Hell no! Once you go black you never go back. She can stick with her Madow community:kodaksmiley:

The thought just sickens me :vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0:
Doesn't all of this explain the disdain for somalis in places like south africa as well. If somalis feels this way about blacks and are not shy about it why in the hell would you go to countries where there are a lot of blacks much less run by blacks?

Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
Doesn't all of this explain the disdain for somalis in places like south africa as well. If somalis feels this way about blacks and are not shy about it why in the hell would you go to countries where there are a lot of blacks much less run by blacks?
What are "somalis"


Cultural revolution
but what type of madoow? we talking light skin, brown eyes, pink cheeks, nice hair Beyonce types Orr

I would say more Brandy when she was young. She just looked amazing. Man the black American females here are really good looking it's hard to resist :lawd: especially the ones in college
:mjlol: So it's ok that Somali guys
f*ck around with other races but
Hold these views on females doin
The same?

:mjpls: What hypocrisy!

Someone is mad because this thread touched a nerve. But go ahead and stay with ur Tyrone. Us respectful Somali men won't touch u and others with a 100foot pole.
Someone is mad because this thread touched a nerve. But go ahead and stay with ur Tyrone. Us respectful Somali men won't touch u and others with a 100foot pole.

Who the f*ck are you talking too?

I've never dated anyone who wasn't
Somali for your information and
I've made that quite clear on this

Why don't you stay in your mother
fucking lane you ashy starving looking

I was pointing out the hypocrisy you
Buck toothed rat looking c*nt.

Who the f*ck are you talking too?

I've never dated anyone who wasn't
Somali for your information and
I've made that quite clear on this

Why don't you stay in your mother
fucking lane you ashy starving looking

I was pointing out the hypocrisy you
Buck toothed rat looking c*nt.


Lol. Touched a nerve again.

Your jabs ain't even hitting me because I'm not what u think I am. I'm far from ur ashy Abdi description.

You Tyrone loving, std infected Dirty ass Xalimo.
Lol. Touched a nerve again.

Your jabs ain't even hitting me because I'm not what u think I am. I'm far from ur ashy Abdi description.

You Tyrone loving, std infected Dirty ass Xalimo.

I'm not even offended, because if
I did date madoow guys, I'd say it
Like some of the females on here
That do.

I can tell your insecure because
Kunta kintes descendants are
Packing and you've got a baby

Save us all the trouble and kill

Wallahi you have to be the dumbest
Person on this site, literally fucking

I'm the only pro Farah chick on here

:gucciwhat: You Zeta cuck


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Doesn't all of this explain the disdain for somalis in places like south africa as well. If somalis feels this way about blacks and are not shy about it why in the hell would you go to countries where there are a lot of blacks much less run by blacks?

What are you doing in a Somali forum you blond weave wearing, bean smelling, curry stankin, ratchet ass, slave ancestor having ?

Go back to the island you came from !:mahubowtf:
I'm not even offended, because if
I did date madoow guys, I'd say it
Like some of the females on here
That do.

I can tell your insecure because
Kunta kintes descendants are
Packing and you've got a baby

Save us all the trouble and kill

Wallahi you have to be the dumbest
Person on this site, literally fucking

I'm the only pro Farah chick on here

:gucciwhat: You Zeta cuck

Baby dick? I can show u what im packing. U will change ur impression of me. Because right now u just assuming with no facts.

U and other Western somali raised women are the reason why Abdis are going to Africa and marry a nice respectful women with no attitude.

I can see ur future already. U gonna be single mother because that man is not willing to deal with it horrible attitude.
Baby dick? I can show u what im packing. U will change ur impression of me. Because right now u just assuming with no facts.

U and other Western somali raised women are the reason why Abdis are going to Africa and marry a nice respectful women with no attitude.

I can see ur future already. U gonna be single mother because that man is not willing to deal with it horrible attitude.

You wanna habaar me? I can see your
Future the only woman who will
Put up with your small dick is a
FOB with no kintir back home.

Your dick is smaller than a baby
Carrot, a new born has a bigger
Piece than you.

You will end up catching an STD
From all the brothels you frequent.


How could you even undress infront
Of a woman without her laughing
In your face.
You wanna habaar me? I can see your
Future the only woman who will
Put up with your small dick is a
FOB with no kintir back home.

Your dick is smaller than a baby
Carrot, a new born has a bigger
Piece than you.

You will end up catching an STD
From all the brothels you frequent.

View attachment 27695

I'll get the last laugh when I see ur broke ass with ugly ass half madoow kids in the welfare office. And my aesthetic Somali kids will give ur half madoow kids hard time by making fun of his or her ape features lmao

Like Mel Gibson said, go get fuked by pack of .
I'll get the last laugh when I see ur broke ass with ugly ass half madoow kids in the welfare office. And my aesthetic Somali kids will give ur half madoow kids hard time by making fun of his ape features lmao

Like Mel Gibson said, go get fuked by pack of .

Are you fucking stupid?

Why would I have half madoow
Kids when I only date Somali
Men?:icon lol::icon lol:

Stop quoting me, I have no tolerance
For your level of autism.:gunsmiley:

:farmajoyaab: Insha'Allah me and
My full Somali kids will spit on
You and your ugly children you
Gutter trash.

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