Abdiwali Gaas's guards shoot at Traditional Elder, take his car away and beat him

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Nabadoon Xarago who is the spokesmen for the traditional elders in Bari region of Puntland Somalia today survived an assissination attempt.

Guards from the Abdiwali Gaas shot at his car and then ordered him out of the car, then proceeded to hit him.

The guards then took his RA4 and drove it to the Presidential Palace in Bosaso.

The guards that did this to him belong to Abdiwali Gaas's guards and the bodyguards of one of his ministers from the UK Saciid Maxamed Raage.


Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Wuxuu been badanaa, are you continuing your lies against president of development? This is classic Hutunian propaganda without sources or verified news. That's what we call fake news in the real world
This attack came after the traditional elder spoke in a meeting against handing ovet the port to Dubai port operator a shady deal passed by parliament aftet receuving a bribe of 1.8 million.
The same traditional elder was imprisoned not so long ago after speaking out against the corruption of Abdiwali Gaas who inherited an intact state but managed to stagnate it in terms of growth, economics, social and political development and economics.


Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
This attack came after the traditional elder spoke in a meeting against handing ovet the port to Dubai port operator a shady deal passed by parliament aftet receuving a bribe of 1.8 million.

The same traditional elder was imprisoned not so long ago after speaking out against the corruption of Abdiwali Gaas who inherited an intact state but managed to stagnate it in terms of growth, economics, social and political development and economics.
Bolding your own text and passing it off as news does not make it more credible, wuxuu xaywaan miyaa!! :chrisfreshhah:
You have a long track record of falsehoods even more than @XamarCade but he's 27 year old youth and we make mistakes children but an oday like you, I can't let this falsehoods slide against president of development.
Reason for the attack

Nabadoonadda Gobolka Bari oo Baaq Ka Soo Saaray Heshiiska Dekeda Bosaso.

Posted: Cumar Mohamed - September 26, 2017

Nabadoonadda iyo waxgaradka gobolka bari oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay kullamo uga socdeen Magaalo ganacsiyeedka Puntland ee Bosaso ayaa shir jaraa’id oo ay maanta ku qabteen dhisme u dhow dekeda Magaaladda Bosaso waxay sheegeen inay ka soo horjeedaan in Dekeda lagu wareejiyay Shirkadda P&O port 1-da Bisha October, waxayna ugu baaqeen Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya inay doorkeeda qaadato oo ay soo faragaliso arrinta

Nabadoonada shirka jaraa’id ka hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa Nabadoon Maxamed Cumar Dhowlawaa, Nabadoon Muuse mire Jibriil, Naadoon Maxamuud Caysayr , Nadoon C/qaadir Axmed Xarago, Nabadoon Mahad Khaalid Muuse iyo Nabadoono kale oo ka kala soo jeeda inta badan beelaha dega gobolka Bari.

Nabadoonadu waxay tilmaameen in sababaha ay uga soo horjeedaa heshiiskan ay la xiriirto markii ay arkeen cabashooyinka iyo dhibaatooyinka ka dhashay Dekedihii, shirkadda DP World ay hore ula soo wareegtay oo ugu dambaysay Dekeda Berbera oo sheegeen in haatan ay qarka u saran tahay inay xiranto, oo badeecooyinka qaarkood magaalooyinka Somaliland, looga qaado magaaladda Bosaso.

“ waxaanu ka soo horjeednaa oo qaadacnay, waxaana u fadhiyin heshiiska lala soo galay P&O port ee DP World, in dekedii maandeeq oo Soomaliya oo dhan ka adeeganaysay in la xiro oo halkaa la benido, waxaanu qabnaa oo isku raacsanahay inaanay noo imaan shirkaasi” sidaas waxaa yiri mid ka mid ah Nabadoonada shirka Jaraa’id Qaybtay.

Nabadoonadu waxay sheegeen in ay dacwad ka furteen Maxakamada Sare ee Puntland, oo doonayaan in sifo sharci u kala baxaan iyaga iyo dowladda Puntland, waxayna sheegeen in heshiiskasii uusan ahayn mid sharci ah. Waxay kaloo tilmaameen in dowladgoboleedyada dalka ka jiraa ayan xaq u lahayn inay heshiis caalami ah oo iyaga u gaar ah galin Karin oo awoodaasi ay leedahay oo kaliya dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya.

Waxay uu baaqeen Isimadda iyo nabadoonadda goboladda kale ee Puntland inay abaabulaan kullamo la mid ah kuwa ay ku qabteen magaaladda Bosaso, ayna ka hadlaan dhibaatadda ka dhalatay heshiiska Dekeda Bosaso lagu wareejiyay. Waxay xuseen in dhibaatadu ayan ku koobnaan doonin oo kaliya magaaaldda Bosaso oo ay ku taalo Dekeda Bosaso

6dii april ee sanadkan 2017ka, Magaaladda Abu-dubai, waxaa heshiis dhexmartay dowladda Puntland iyo shirkadda P&O Port oo hoostimaada Shirkada DP World, heshiiskaasi oo ku kacaya 336 milyan dollar, kaasi oo muddo 30 sanno lagu wareejiyay Dekeda Bosso, taasi ay maamuli doonto shirkadda kale Global Port Services FZE, ah shirkad qaabilsan hawlaha Dekedaha xorta ah, kana diiwangashan dalka isutagga imaaradka carabta, cinwaankeeduna yahay level 1. Lob 17 Jebel Ali free zone, Dubai Uninted arab.

Horseed Media 2017
Traditional Elders of Bari and Karkaar and Bosaso sending defiant message to Gaas yesterday for which the mentioned traditional eldes was attacked



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Total and utter propaganda to smear the good name of his excellency his royal highness mudane Abdiweli the best president Puntland has ever had these old men need to realise that this ain't the law of the jungle Puntland has kala dembeyn governance these men need to get in line with the government of Puntland
Bolding your own text and passing it off as news does not make it more credible, wuxuu xaywaan miyaa!! :chrisfreshhah:
You have a long track record of falsehoods even more than @XamarCade but he's 27 year old youth and we make mistakes children but an oday like you, I can't let this falsehoods slide against president of development.
Stop mentioning me u lying fag


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Attacked and robbed for just speaking out is part of Abdiwali Gaas's 'progress', the people should be greatful.

Somali Cable News:

You're bitter that the people of Puntland has a good government and there's law and order I reiterate Abdiweli is the best president Puntland has ever had tas ku seexo kuna soo toos boowe

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Total and utter propaganda to smear the good name of his excellency his royal highness mudane Abdiweli the best president Puntland has ever had these old men need to realise that this ain't the law of the jungle Puntland has kala dembeyn governance these men need to get in line with the government of Puntland
I asked for sources so many times in the end I got so tired :kendrickcry:
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