I hope kulmiye wins and anarchy results, causing the collapse of the soomaalidiid institution
I hope kulmiye wins and anarchy results, causing the collapse of the soomaalidiid institution
Wtf they arrrsted Ila Meereeyso oday muse bixi ila meereeysati ka yeeli mayno
How is it unlawfull when they were cause discord in a lawfull country?they were taken away to prison unlawfully by the kulmiye government sl democracy is crumbaling right now
How is it unlawfull when they were cause discord in a lawfull country?
All they wanted was to use qabilism and create hate between landers,i am suprised they were released!! They belong in prison,the elders protected them,the elder system is both sl’s strength and weakness
Biixi is the one causing division in somalilandHow is it unlawfull when they were cause discord in a lawfull country?
All they wanted was to use qabilism and create hate between landers,i am suprised they were released!! They belong in prison,the elders protected them,the elder system is both sl’s strength and weakness
but the way the kulmiye government handled this situation was just wrong and it did damage the democracy
Muse bixi this muse bixi that,where did you get the news he is causing division in sl?HERE?!!Biixi is the one causing division in somaliland
Muse bixi this muse bixi that,where did you get the news he is causing division in sl?HERE?!!
why should HY do what they want,i dont support or like bixi but i respect his title as the elected president of sl,this should be his last term though
HY are being sidelined in new hargeisa and other places but they should fight the system as landers not start a tribal conflict!!!they should show the world sl is better not go back to their barbaric past