Abiy Ahmed Has Lost It!

Guys, calm down. First of all, you cannot compare the position and the relationship of the Oromo with Ethiopia, to the Somali's of Ethiopia. It is NOT as simple as the Somali's relationship, which is just a conquered group who never held real power in the empire, thus justifying their disassociation with Ethiopia.
... We were both conquerors and the conquered, we ruled the empire, led its armies, and were the backbone of it, while also having some of our clans being amongst the conquered ones; depending on which region/clan of the Oromo you were discussing.

While Somalis were just conquered and had their land brought into Ethiopia, for strategic reasons (to have a buffer between the colonies of Europe in the Horn, and the 'Abyssinia proper') not to mention who wouldn't want more land mass for their empire building project??
Also, keep in mind, when Ethiopian armies first began to raid the Somali kilil or region, there were somali clans there who resisted, and others who allied with Ethiopia to fight off other clans.
The reason why some Oromo were part of the expansionist Push during and post Menelik's reign is that many Oromo were already Christian at that point, and Muslim Oromo don't see it as a problem to become a kafir.

Oromo Christians and recent converts became Amhara in order to have positions within the state. All of the descendants of the Oromo elite from the time of Menelik to Haile Selassie are today Amhara, all of them.

Oromo continue to face the threat of Amharization, especially of the Christian Oromo. The longer the Ethiopian state persists, the more likely that the Christian Oromo become Amhara. I've met many half Amhara-Half Oromo people and almost all of them identify as Amhara. Oromo men convert to Christianity to marry Amhara women, something unthinkable for a Somali. I've literally met 1 Somali-Amhara mix and he is just a regular Ogaden guy who is pro ONLF.

tl;dr Somali identity is strong due to religion, Oromo identity is dissolvable because it has no religious undergirding. Oromo are forever divided by religion.
what you yappin about fam we aint AA to convert to christianity for some amhara pussy
The reason why some Oromo were part of the expansionist Push during and post Menelik's reign is that many Oromo were already Christian at that point, and Muslim Oromo don't see it as a problem to become a kafir.

Oromo Christians and recent converts became Amhara in order to have positions within the state. All of the descendants of the Oromo elite from the time of Menelik to Haile Selassie are today Amhara, all of them.

Oromo continue to face the threat of Amharization, especially of the Christian Oromo. The longer the Ethiopian state persists, the more likely that the Christian Oromo become Amhara. I've met many half Amhara-Half Oromo people and almost all of them identify as Amhara. Oromo men convert to Christianity to marry Amhara women, something unthinkable for a Somali. I've literally met 1 Somali-Amhara mix and he is just a regular Ogaden guy who is pro ONLF.

tl;dr Somali identity is strong due to religion, Oromo identity is dissolvable because it has no religious undergirding. Oromo are forever divided by religion.

Some were, some weren't. In regards to the second part, about Muslim Oromo; that's a lie and no doubt, your slander will be recorded in your book of deeds; so if you have no shame, keep talking reckless.

Some did, the elites, but the peasants who didn't have power, converted for their own reasons, i.e. some because they believed in it, others due to force, etc.
The Protestant Ones, to differ from the Orthodox ones and due to the Protestant missionaries from Europe who were active there (such as Wallaga).

You are talking about a few cases and painting us with a broad brush, forgetting there's over 40 million Oromo's, and at the very most; you've interacted with 0.0000000000009 of us.

Yes Somali identity is strong, but it's obviously not strong enough to stop clan wars, SL VS Somalia, Isaaq vs Dhulbahante, Hawiye vs whomever, hatred for the bantu somalis, calling them ja reer, ogaden vs isaaq, marehan vs other clans, etc. Oromo have our problems, sure, but not those problems, Alhamdulilah.
Eastern oromia and western oromians aren't that close if we were alot of them would've been islamized all ready

I understand what you mean. But my point is, if many of them converted so easily, then muslim Oromos would've been able to achieve some degree of success if they did the same and sent missionaries there.
@Daadhi Tarree @Abba Sadacha

Wallahi oo bilahi, I swear by all 99 names of Allah I know an Oromo Muslim doctor who wanted to marry a an Amhara Christian nurse who worked for him. Her family, which is lower in class than him, had him convert to Orthodoxy. He became Christian and his son is Amhara. The Oromo accept this low status even today.

Oromo Muslims just don't care as much about their faith.
It is not haram to state a truth.
bro thats very rare you think it happens to every muslim oromo and that guy was a jahil simp
Us muslim oromos were islamized recently im not sure why they didnt send missionaries tho
the earliest muslims oromo were from the Panigal (the Arussi of Bali nickname) who were islamised in the 13th century, the Ala, and Nole of Harar were islamized in the 12th century at the arrival of sheikh Abadir.
Guys, calm down. First of all, you cannot compare the position and the relationship of the Oromo with Ethiopia, to the Somali's of Ethiopia. It is NOT as simple as the Somali's relationship, which is just a conquered group who never held real power in the empire, thus justifying their disassociation with Ethiopia.
... We were both conquerors and the conquered, we ruled the empire, led its armies, and were the backbone of it, while also having some of our clans being amongst the conquered ones; depending on which region/clan of the Oromo you were discussing.

While Somalis were just conquered and had their land brought into Ethiopia, for strategic reasons (to have a buffer between the colonies of Europe in the Horn, and the 'Abyssinia proper') not to mention who wouldn't want more land mass for their empire building project??
Also, keep in mind, when Ethiopian armies first began to raid the Somali kilil or region, there were somali clans there who resisted, and others who allied with Ethiopia to fight off other clans.
ur on drugs homie stop eating raw meat and return to ur Islamic roots before we fixk ur shit up incel
I read somewhere they have its headquarters at either Bahie Dar/Lake Tana.

I just looked up and it was disbanded in 1996. But Abiy re-established it in 2018 to build up their capacity in preparations for the future, i.e. with the possibility of making a deal with a neighboring country to operate on their shore/sea.