'Aborting my Baby because of Trump'

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
No, it's linkable. If you believe Trump is the antichrist of everything u stand for, and that the world is going to shit.

There are ppl in this country who think something major is about to happen, that that impulsive idiot being the commander in chief and leader of one of most powerful countries in the world is going to harken some sort of catastrophe.
To be honest browsing through social media after his inauguration was the best thing ever, I even saw a countdown of his four years somewhere.
Trumperino the cheeto wasn't the best candidate but she's going full retard à la Élection présidentielle des états unis ('Murica) never go full retard.

I get that people don't like President trump. But wlhi I been seeing people all over social media wishing the guy has a failed presidency. FFS

If the dude has a failed presidency, we'll all take the beating for the next four years.
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