According to a Somali petrol minister. Somalia could profit $500 trillion per person $22 mil

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vietbname 4 million dead, how many with posion and agent orange

iraq is a colony like it or not,

if iran atatcks oil fields, US will make sure it becomes like somalia

vietname had the soviets and Chinese helping,

heck the vietnames had howitzers and anti aircraft and planes,

who will help iran?

Iran is stronger than Iraq and Vietnam were when they fought the Americans. Iran has perfected the art of insurgency, the Americans wouldn’t able to occupy Iran. Plus Iranians aren’t dumb, they’d never end up like Somalia.


That’s what they said about Iraq and Vietnam but we know that didn’t happen.
Vietnam we drew out after decimating their country due to the hippies lol, Iraq is our oil colony lol, we took out saddam in a very short time, but stayed their to protect our new assets


Iran is stronger than Iraq and Vietnam were when they fought the Americans. Iran has perfected the art of insurgency, the Americans wouldn’t able to occupy Iran. Plus Iranians aren’t dumb, they’d never end up like Somalia.
Iran could even be the second strongest in the world, nukes aside it would be easily taken out by the US lol


500 trillion, lmao if this doesn't prove our collective 68 IQ, then I don't know what will.


Somalia doesn't even have 100 billion worth of oil/gas reserves.
USA has 10 super carriers,

2 US super carriers can destroy the entire worlds navel fleet as these 2 SC have more fire power

iran is nothing for us, america will bomb the crap out of her in the strait

one US super carrier has more fire power than some 160 nations of the planets 200 nations, or 1 super carrier has bigger navy than some 160 countries combined, more airpower

just the planes of 1 super carrier out number more than 160 nations air force

the US is massive

new york state has 1 and half times bigger economy then the whole of russia

new york 16 million, russia 150 million,

if California was a country it would have bigegr economy than all nations except for US, china, japan and Germany, so Californian is bigger than UK, france etc

I wish I was American.
Iran is stronger than Iraq and Vietnam were when they fought the Americans. Iran has perfected the art of insurgency, the Americans wouldn’t able to occupy Iran. Plus Iranians aren’t dumb, they’d never end up like Somalia.

we are not talking about landing in iran, but the insurgents cannot do much against the Arab oil fields or block the gulf hormuz strait, saudi, uae, etc no one can touch their oil fields, they would have done it by now,

lets stick to the original argument, which was iran can blow up oil fields in the gulf nations, it was not invading iran and taking her,
Saudi Arabia has 270 billion barrels of oil which is worth at 15 trillion USD and it's ranked second in proven oil reserve countries

Somalia probably has half that number.

Where did he get 500 trillion from?



I think it's very unwise to start making claims like that, no one really knows except ALLAH SWA whether there's resources that can generate that amount of riches or enough to lift us out of poverty into a stable country. Even if there's tangible evidence in oil discovery, there's no guarantee that it will solve our issues. The real resources in my opinion are the people, the beautiful citizens of Somalia, in every region. The dowlad should work even harder to get people to trust each other again, no more clan divide, no more feuds over invisible borders. We must rid ourselves of hate first, then have the grand dialogue of forgiveness and respecting each others wishes without assuming the worse of one another.

I promise u after that, whatever Allah blesses us with will be 1,000,000 times worth more than the world in gold but division in our hearts.

love first, everything after that :)

What do y’all think?
$550 trillion dollars doesn't seem quiet right, global GDP according to the world Bank is around $80 trillion dollars.

whatever the amount I don't think Somalia or Somalis will benefit greatly. We have xasan Ali kheyre as the prime minister of somalia, he just happened to be a former oil executive who served as the director of the British oil company Soma Oil and Gas and this company in 2013, it signed an oil contract with the FGS the first international company to do so. In exchange for collecting data, Soma Oil & Gas has the right to apply for up to 12 oil blocks in an area seen by oil majors as one of the final frontiers for the commodity.

We have dad wadanka u so shaqatagay oo calooshoda u shaqeysta ah plus the company/companies will be taking their cut so I doubt the people will benefit greatly

One of the things I like about the gulf countries is that they actually invested in their own country



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The world is moving away from oil/fossil fuels.. All the developet countries are focusing on green energy technologies.. By the time the shit hole Somali government is able to extract the "oil"
Which I even doubt they ever will extract the world will be running on green energy.
The world is moving away from oil/fossil fuels.. All the developet countries are focusing on green energy technologies.. By the time the shit hole Somali government is able to extract the "oil"
Which I even doubt they ever will extract the world will be running on green energy.
Green energy is the way :dzmxmmb: but we need dirty oil to get us there just like every other country


It's all so tiresome
Green energy is the way :dzmxmmb: but we need dirty oil to get us there just like every other country

The problem here is that we won't use it for energy ourselves but we'll export it for dollars and import that same oil once it's been refined just like Nigeria.

If we used it ourselves then it would be a big deal but why would those oil companies sell it to us?

Even though it's in our land once we sign it off its up to them how it gets distributed.

1 million barrels a day of oil could help us desalinate enough water for a million hectares of high yield farmland.

However those oil companies could make 10x more if they sold it to Asia or Europe.
The problem here is that we won't use it for energy ourselves but we'll export it for dollars and import that same oil once it's been refined just like Nigeria.

If we used it ourselves then it would be a big deal but why would those oil companies sell it to us?

Even though it's in our land once we sign it off its up to them how it gets distributed.

1 million barrels a day of oil could help us desalinate enough water for a million hectares of high yield farmland.

However those oil companies could make 10x more if they sold it to Asia or Europe.
You don't need oil to drive desalination plants..
Sun energy technology can be utilized to power up these kind of plants.. Somalia has an abundance of sun...on top of this you can setup wind power technology as a supplement.


It's all so tiresome
You don't need oil to drive desalination plants..
Sun energy technology can be utilized to power up these kind of plants.. Somalia has an abundance of sun...on top of this you can setup wind power technology as a supplement.

Solar and wind would be a lot more cost efficient and overall better but if there's oil around then why not also use that? Another great thing about having free oil around is that you won't need to rely on other countries for rare strategic materials to build solar panels and wind turbines.

You're right the time we get the oil renewables would be so much cheaper but my point was that our governments should just give up all the benefits of oil for some useless dollars.
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