My bad mate, didn’t mean to come off as aggresive
I agree with you, any Somali should ideally be allowed to live and work as an equal in any part of the country. I say ideally because we both know that isn’t how things are. It wasn’t that long ago that Rahanweyn and Somali Bantu citizens were kicked out of their homes in lascanood and nothing was done to prevent it. Somalia is a (con)federal country. You can’t have your piece and share mine
Why should the burden lie on Xamar to be the one exception? miss me with that capital shit just like any other city in Somalia Xamar has a majority and native clan who have been dominating it for 500 years and going. Why are you refusing the city’s majority their god given right to self rule? Especially when it’s you who hails from an isolationist state while reer Mogadishu are the most accepting people in Somalia
I am sorry, we cannot have two simultaneous things: A non-independent capital city and a federal country.
If Xamar wants to be non-neutral, the capital either needs to be moved or Somalia should cease to be a federal nation.
I am not hating on reer Xamar, wallahi billahi tullahi I would say this if the capital is hosted in my own hometown.
It is arrogant for Xamar to request something that Addis, Washington DC, Canberra, New Delhi, Putrajaya don’t have which is independence.
That’s not how federalism works, there are norms and rules, not emotion walaal.