Addressing The Alt-Caucasian Movement


Certified Liin Distributor
Its a start atleast we know you have feelings for your womenfolk

Im not salty I just want them to see the light my caucasoid sister

If your dad is caucasian then you wouldnt be denying anything :ulyin:
Stop using negroids for your emotes then.


The problem with these folks is a misunderstanding that the modern phrase for Caucasian is an easy way to refer to ethnic European inhabitants of the Western world and beyond.

Somalis may be "Cock_asian" on the books, but n1gger is still an insult directed at you

You will never be Cock_asian no matter how hard you try

I'm sorry @Shmurda @One Star To Rule Them All @Enigma and the rest of the Alt-Cock movement
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Yall a special breed of coons
Yall a special breed of coons

No one seriously thinks they are white.

The word Caucasian is a skeleton shape, and it is not linked to skin colour anthropologically. The confusion is that people think of pink skinned pale person when they think of Caucasian.

