ADEERO goes back in the pretense of building a house but ends up w/young xaliimo gazelle


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Honestly this kinda stuff is stupid first of all most of the oldheads who do marry a second one don't got the balls tell their first wife about it

secondly why would you spend your life savings or retirement money on a girl who is only marrying you cause of the money?

it's no different than the white people who go to Thailand to marry a indhoyar over there whose looking for a greencard

Samaalic Era

Honestly this kinda stuff is stupid first of all most of the oldheads who do marry a second one don't got the balls tell their first wife about it

secondly why would you spend your life savings or retirement money on a girl who is only marrying you cause of the money?

it's no different than the white people who go to Thailand to marry a indhoyar over there whose looking for a greencard
Marriage is alot cheaper in Somalia than you assume. Anything more than 3K is a rip off:gaasdrink:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Marriage is alot cheaper in Somalia than you assume. Anything more than 3K is a rip off:gaasdrink:

I doubt it's just 3k especially with all the cost of the wedding,venue , food and than all the furniture for the house and a place where shes gonna live
No way can a Somali man afford giving a family in London a comfortable life nevermind 2 families. Miskeen probably won't get a visa and will become a wife he sees once a year to pregnante and lie to
Marriage is alot cheaper in Somalia than you assume. Anything more than 3K is a rip off:gaasdrink:

The girls back home, especially the ones that chase after odeys are very money orientated and try and get the man to build them houses ect.

Its very different to a young girl marrying a penniless young western student/new in his career. Trust me, they know the difference as well.
These dumbf0cks go back home and forget their original family at least 50% of the time. Those who do not care for their children will be punished heavily on yawm al qiyamah. No 21 year old PYT is worth it.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
These dumbf0cks go back home and forget their original family at least 50% of the time. Those who do not care for their children will be punished heavily on yawm al qiyamah. No 21 year old PYT is worth it.

exactly ijmn most cases the first family always get neglected


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The girls back home, especially the ones that chase after odeys are very money orientated and try and get the man to build them houses ect.

Its very different to a young girl marrying a penniless young western student/new in his career. Trust me, they know the difference as well.
unless they're related to the girl than they won't pay much at all but if they're not related they're definitely paying alot of money
When I hit 50 inshallah.. That's when I'll go back home and get myself a young 15 years old gazelle.. I'll spoil her.. I'm already saving up for this trip.. It's part of my pension scheme :diddyass::lawd::shaq:
When I hit 50 inshallah.. That's when I'll go back home and get myself a young 15 years old gazelle.. I'll spoil her.. I'm already saving up for this trip.. It's part of my pension scheme :diddyass::lawd::shaq:

Why would you want to be with a 15yr old? A lot of them haven't even developed properly.

Inshaallah, btw the time you're 50, Somalia has developed and young 15 yr olds are in schools learning with a bright future ahead of them.


Eel eh?
Somali men have been emasculated in every country on earth including, Somalia and to take their masculinity back , they feel like must always be above or subjugating a Somali woman.

Wounded ego bullshit.

Thatโ€™s why you see a Somali guy save up his life savings just to abuse a Somali woman .
He's the one being abused buddy, that girl kept insisting on a visa and her family being looked after. IMO the old man is gettingleft the second she gets to the west, this is a skit doe
Why would you want to be with a 15yr old? A lot of them haven't even developed properly.

Inshaallah, btw the time you're 50, Somalia has developed and young 15 yr olds are in schools learning with a bright future ahead of them.
I like fresh fruits it's healthy abaayo.. Say Masha-allah :axvmm9o:
The girls back home, especially the ones that chase after odeys are very money orientated and try and get the man to build them houses ect.

Its very different to a young girl marrying a penniless young western student/new in his career. Trust me, they know the difference as well.
All women are money oriented to a degree to me it's part of their nature to pick the most suitable male with resources to look after her and her offsprings.
We back to square one.


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