Africa will never be free without nuclear weapons.

Africa is forever doomed unless a serious leader emerges who builds WMDS. Building WMD whether they are chemical, biological, or nuclear should be the number one priority for any African nation with vast resources and populace. North Korea, Israel, China understood this hence why they are still standing today. Once a nation gets past a certain point, the west will do everything in their power to destroy it, just like they did to Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Just imagine Somalia building 100 nukes which is possible with our vast uranium deposits. We could easily flatten any country that dares mess with our sovereignty.

Africa is forever doomed unless a serious leader emerges who builds WMDS. Building WMD whether they are chemical, biological, or nuclear should be the number one priority for any African nation with vast resources and populace. North Korea, Israel, China understood this hence why they are still standing today. Once a nation gets past a certain point, the west will do everything in their power to destroy it, just like they did to Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Just imagine Somalia building 100 nukes which is possible with our vast uranium deposits. We could easily flatten any country that dares mess with our sovereignty.

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Don't use biological weapons. You won't be able to stop the virus from infecting yourself as well. Biological weapon viruses will not just stay inside the enemy in the short term or long term.
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Internet Nomad

No offense but i don't trust us with one
For us to get to the technological point to obtain nukes i would believe would be more developed religiously and politically.

I also think using a nuke is anti-islam. I don't think there is a single fatwah that can be given about using a nuke offensively against a civilian population.


Forza Somalia!
Africa is forever doomed unless a serious leader emerges who builds WMDS. Building WMD whether they are chemical, biological, or nuclear should be the number one priority for any African nation with vast resources and populace. North Korea, Israel, China understood this hence why they are still standing today. Once a nation gets past a certain point, the west will do everything in their power to destroy it, just like they did to Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Just imagine Somalia building 100 nukes which is possible with our vast uranium deposits. We could easily flatten any country that dares mess with our sovereignty.

View attachment 357520
Africa is doomed because of corruption and bad management.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
It means the african countries being free of foreign inteference for example western. RIght now we are aid colony but with nuclear weapon we culd be kangz
Lmao North Korea has nukes and they’re the most sanctioned nation on earth. Imagine some dusty African country gets one bro way dhammatay
It means the african countries being free of foreign inteference for example western. RIght now we are aid colony but with nuclear weapon we culd be kangz
99 percent of problems in “Africa” are caused by corrupt compredor elites and neighboring African countries/ethnicities. A free “Africa” would be one made up of self-determining ethnic states like Europe, where the popular will governs
Africa will never rise and will remain being nothing more than a landmass to extract resources and its most capable people.
the west said the same thing about China, but decades later they have the 2nd largest economy and are only behind on semiconductors to the US

Its not impossible that african states will rise its just very unlikely for most
the west said the same thing about China, but decades later they have the 2nd largest economy and are only behind on semiconductors to the US

Its not impossible that african states will rise its just very unlikely for most
The Chinese were able to come together. The only African nations I have any semblance of hope for are the Sahel countries that made an economic and military alliance in line with their self interest.
The rest of Africa is busy either being subservient to any non-African entity, selling out their own, killing whatever potential they have and destroying relations with their neighbors. I have no hope.
I used to be filled with so much hope…
For us to get to the technological point to obtain nukes i would believe would be more developed religiously and politically.

I also think using a nuke is anti-islam. I don't think there is a single fatwah that can be given about using a nuke offensively against a civilian population.
nukes are halal trust me


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
Lets be honest, we are going extinct if somalis get their hands on nukes

