African country scores

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somalia at least has a higher gpd than some politically stable countries. And some of scorings are irrelevant things like diversity. Lol diversity maxaan ku falayna

The infrastructure of Somalia is crap though.


Not your typical Farah
somalia at least has a higher gpd than some politically stable countries. And some of scorings are irrelevant things like diversity. Lol diversity maxaan ku falayna
That's what came to my mind. This fucking wackos are pushing this diversity stuff :faysalwtf:. Why do I have feeling that there is a powerful group out there that wants to the world be diverse with no cultures and melt it all together.

I wonder who?

Caloosha ba i xanuunaysa hadda. niyyada ba iga jebisay. :mjcry:. somalis have the audacity to talk shit about other bantu countries. :mjlaugh::ohdamn:


I don't see why anyone is surprised. There's been no stable government grip of the country since 1991. Somalis just know how to faan without any steam to back it up so you thought things were better.


It'd be awesome if the application was dateable, so that you could compare the conditions of certain african countries throughout different presendential eras to spot improvements of deficiencies of leadership, and see how they grew.

I'd like to see where pre-91 Somalia stood to see what our best scores ever were. It was still pretty young, but certainly incrementally better than it is now.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
This list is made by jealous Madow. Somalia has better access to water and electricity than most countries, this is due to it being regulated by the business community not the gov't. As for literacy the UN said literacy in English is as high as nearly 80% in PL and SL. Our GDP per Capita (at least $700 dollars 1993 stats) is better than all of our neighbours bar Kenya. As for mobile and internet penetration even anti-Africa organisations (Economist, Fox News) will admit Somalia has one of the highest mobile penetration rates in Africa at over 80% having direct access to a phone.

Another question: How did they measure these stats if Somalia is 'too unsafe'. Did the call their other jealous Madow. f*ck THEM.
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