African man racially abused by a mob of koofiyares for marrying a star girl


E pluribus unum
I didn't say you should care, just find it ironic and funny.

Keep going my Cushite

George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
No need to center the opinions of yahuuds

My cushite

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Jews and Arabs share this insecure culture of marrying close relatives to keep the bloodline Pure they all despise foreigners when they marry their women They've been inbreeding for thousands of years that's why they all look goblins with hooked Noses like this
images (18).jpeg


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Jews and Arabs share this insecure culture of marrying close relatives to keep the bloodline Pure they all despise foreigners when they marry their women They've been inbreeding for thousands of years that's why they all look goblins with hooked Noses like this View attachment 305624

Saanka looks like a pe.n.i.s


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Jews and Arabs share this insecure culture of marrying close relatives to keep the bloodline Pure they all despise foreigners when they marry their women They've been inbreeding for thousands of years that's why they all look goblins with hooked Noses like this View attachment 305624
Not even surgery could save that walking Nazi propaganda poster
Yahuudis think the way I think. I don't know how I feel about that.

I may have to be unracist and embrace the monkeys sorry i meant black people. Force of habit :cosbyhmm:
The black people they call Monkeys are Ethiopians who have similar phenotype than you and have more Western Asian blood than the average Somali.

Stop being a self-hater.
Kushi in Israel means the N word

Meanwhile western Somalis constantly repeating they are Cushites.
Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin

The first references to Cush were completely unrelated to its subsequent associations with Africans; the Cushites in the Biblical Table of Nations were Western Asians (Middle-Eastern) populations with comparatively darker complexion.

Musa's wife was a Midianite (Kushan) woman with no links to Africa.

Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married, for he had married a Cushite woman.


It was only much later on that the term Kushi was applied to Sudanese kingdoms.

