Walahi some xalimos are funny. The first instragram name Sabrinafuckinghassan kulaha.
No she is habeshaThe first girl is somali
be nice, shes ur fam.Ma ka yaabtay she is so fucking ugly and looks like she is straight from Congo Zaire
Kenyan beauties
be nice, shes ur fam.
Yeah she's definitely a Madow admixed mutt.Ma ka yaabtay she is so fucking ugly and looks like she is straight from Congo Zaire
shes ur cousinSorry none of my family members look like they straight from Ghana
The first one is EritreanEthiopian
I don't think beckys are that pretty in my subjective opinionNo she is habesha
No get lost and stop hating on my posts, you are abusing the qashin again
Go make your own Becky appreciation thread
You choose the worst pictures.Habesha beauties >>>>>>>> Somalis. Is a fact
You choose the worst pictures.
The first is Eritrean and 3rd is Indian