Afrocentrists claiming Natufians were black

I was under the impression that we were introduced to agriculture from the Nile Valley (Egypt & Sudan)?

We were introduced to pastorialism and started collecting wild grains to supplement our diet.

But most of the plant inventions/domestications happened in the horn as an extension from what began in Southern Egypt/Eastern Sudan , for the most part.
. Moreover, the inventions of grain cultivation in particular, both in Ethiopia and separately in the Near East, seem rooted in a single, still earlier subsistence invention of North-east Africa, the intensive utilization of wild grains, beginning probably by or before 13,000 b.c.
The correlation of linguistic evidence with archaeology suggests that this food-collecting innovation may have been the work of early Afroasiatic-speaking communities and may have constituted the particular economic advantage which gave impetus to the first stages of Afroasiatic expansion into Ethiopia and the Horn, the Sahara and North Africa, and parts of the Near East.
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Where did I say I have a problem with people identifying as Black or White? People can identify as they wish, and I'll always respect it. I just ask that they do the same in return.

I don't know where you're from, but growing up, we weren't considered Black, not even by white people or even Black people themselves. Fast forward to 2024, and apparently there was never any debate. Miss me with that bullshit.

I meant we call other dark-skinned Africans "black"/"madow". They also have unique identities and cultures but we don't have a problem labeling them "madow" whenever we refer to them. When it comes to us we're too unique, too different and we suddenly remember that race is a social construct anyway. But you had no problems using it for other groups of people? This is what I was highlighting. I see this behaviour a lot.


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