After 3 days of heavy fighting Somali Natives defeat Oromo invaders in Qoloji

The Oromo foreigners and their Dhabodhilifs were defeated in Qoloji. Guul iyo Gobanimo!
Fighting has now spread to the outskirts of Baabili where Absame tribe lives

Mujahid Halgamaa Abdirashid sheikh Muse Qalbidhagax visited the district town of Qoloji and rallied the Somali people to stand firm against the foreign invaders

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Absame tribe must bring back Baabili under the jurisdiction of the Somali region. We can no longer watch our Absame brothers in Baabili being under foreign occupation

We must go on the offensive against these Oromo invaders otherwise they will be emboldened enough to invade more settlements

It’s an attempt by Oromos to grab land. it is other Somalis settled by DDS trying to lay claim on the land of Hawiye & Karanle in particular. The efforts of the Oromos have been thwarted once again. The efforts by Somali clans who want to pretend to be our allies while at the same time laying claims on our land will be thwarted as well.
It’s an attempt by Oromos to grab land. it is other Somalis settled by DDS trying to lay claim on the land of Hawiye & Karanle in particular. The efforts of the Oromos have been thwarted once again. The efforts by Somali clans who want to pretend to be our allies while at the same time laying claims on our land will be thwarted as well.

Baabili will be returned to the hands of the Somali region. Anyone who sides with Oromos will face the same punishment. The Karanles you speak of have chance to redeem their honors and fight Oromos but Nay they have become cannon Fodders. It’s time they moved along and allowed the Nasab Somalis in Baabili to defend our People.
Baabili will be returned to the hands of the Somali region. Anyone who sides with Oromos will face the same punishment. The Karanles you speak of have chance to redeem their honors and fight Oromos but Nay they have become cannon Fodders. It’s time they moved along and allowed the Nasab Somalis in Baabili to defend our People.

Any Ogaden that steps foot on my land will get smoked.
Kkk Oromo are 1000X time more powerfull than dirty Ogadens. I hope they finish you guys off and take jigjiga with it.

Go collect your Rotten Dogs Oromo Boy 💀

Mujahid Halgamaa Abdirashid sheikh Muse Qalbidhagax visited the district town of Qoloji and rallied the Somali people to stand firm against the foreign invaders

Ogadens are not fighting to defend Qoloji they are fighting to defend the entire Somali region. The people of Qoloji have been displaced from Balbalayti and many other settlements by the Oromo regime. It is time for the Somali region to protect their borders and reclaim the lost territory.

Former ONLF fighter posted in Qoloji district

Weak comeback. Goes on to show me random old pictures 🤣 Forgrt baabili, your people getting abused and massacred in Qabri Dahir near the borders with Somalia on a weekly basis. 🤣

Qabridahar near the borders of Somalia eeeh 😂😂 imagine calling upon the entire Oromo nation for Gurmad and still losing. I bet your Abtiris comes from your mothers side since your pops is a Galla bastard
Qabridahar near the borders of Somalia eeeh 😂😂 imagine calling upon the entire Oromo nation for Gurmad and still losing. I bet your Abtiris comes from your mothers side since your pops is a Galla bastard
Not a single Karanle is suffering today. On one end your fighting MX and on the other end your fighting Oromo truly low IQ 🤣


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