Now the chances of getting madobe back are even lower. Madobe knows damn well it’s impossible to get puntland to come to talks when they want the more credible provisional constitution back.
He's a clown, A man is only is good as his word. He signed the NCC agreements and approved the illegal constitution change. He made his bed, now he needs to lie in it. Where was he when HSM and Co were raping the constitution ?Mujaahid President Ahmed M Islam
President of Jubaland
Savior of Somalia
That would be incredibly stupid for HSM to pursue. If it doesnt happen in the US who have ultimate trust in eachother how will it happen in Somalia?No fgs has to oversee for federal elections
Can never see what you send
Fgs clawing back all those power , they will cripple FMS power. Look how they trying to dictate extensions and when elections happen and how it happens. Throwback to Hamza being pro fmsThat would be incredibly stupid for HSM to pursue. If it doesnt happen in the US who have ultimate trust in eachother how will it happen in Somalia?
The funniest comments I've read for a whileEvery 4 years there's a new Madobe, HSM thought he was the same Madobe that signed those agreements before.