Ahmed Madoobe Tells reer Gedo: "Vacate Your Homes So We Can Squat in Them"

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you cant justify taking peoples houses thats blatant tuugonimo.
by that definition, ur uncle stole gedo. why don't u all move to garbaharay and give back the rest? ur the tuugo here sxb, and until gedo is divided, u get to keep 2 districts and the rest will go the rightful owners, if not waad ka shalaynaysaan.
by that definition, ur uncle stole gedo. why don't u all move to garbaharay and give back the rest? ur the tuugo here sxb, and until gedo is divided, u get to keep 2 districts and the rest will go the rightful owners, if not waad ka shalaynaysaan.
Sarinley was our capital in the beginning of the 1900s
you dont get shit boy. try capturing our deegans in the kismayo countryside. whats with the limbo for the past 5 years did uhuru forget to refuel his tanks.
OG: Get out your house. muh qabil was here in 1850 . we coming back for our rightful place.
first cagdheer to backstab will be the one you helped settle in from ethiopia in the 70s my reer ayeeyo are qashin:pacspit::pacspit: wastemans Wallahi
older maps show wajir town as ogaadeen how about they go back and rob the peoples houses there since its almost completely degoodia or does that only apply to their blood cousins MX:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
Sarinley was our capital in the beginning of the 1900s
you dont get shit boy. try capturing our deegans in the kismayo countryside. whats with the limbo for the past 5 years did uhuru forget to refuel his tanks.
OG: Get out your house. muh qabil was here in 1850 . we coming back for our rightful place.
we'll smoke u sxb. Jland will consist of the two jubbas, and parts of gedo, u will be left alone in ur two deegaans in gedo. u can always join the raxanwayns tho.
The town is almost completely degoodia apart from very few homes go get ur land from the "hutus"
go get back dhuusomareeb from habar gidirs. we haven't lost lands to Ethiopia and Kenya, you think a small degodia qabiil will take our lands? lol nigga thinks we are like them.
we'll smoke u sxb. Jland will consist of the two jubbas, and parts of gedo, u will be left alone in ur two deegaans in gedo. u can always join the raxanwayns tho.
Go capture our deegaans in the kismayo countryside we dominate. theres some of us in jamaame theres a start. I reckon you guys are salivating over how much trees you can cut down for kenya to export
go get back dhuusomareeb from habar gidirs. we haven't lost lands to Ethiopia and Kenya, you think a small degodia qabiil will take our lands? lol nigga thinks we are like them.
they took your wajir go get it back boy. wajiir is 99% hawiye
Go capture our deegaans in the kismayo countryside we dominate. theres some of us in jamaame theres a start. I reckon you guys are salivating over how much trees you can cut down for kenya to expost

Jubada hoose:
Kismaayo: Ogaden and harti, Mx settled by cayr in 98 are a minority, sheekaahl and cawrmala
xagar: bartire
Afamadow: Ogaden, reer abdulle, reer warfaa and caamir
baadhaadhe: talamoge(muqaabul and abdalle).
Jamaame: biyomal, dir, bantu and ogaden

jubada dhexe:
buaale Cawliyahan, tuur cada and jibraail(reer afwaax, waafata, reer mumin, reer cali)
reer isaaq, reer cali, wayntayn

salagle: cawliyahan reer cali
saakow: cawliyahan reer jibraail, some raxanwyan
jilib ogaden(maqabuul, abdalle, abudwak) sheekhaal

where do you control laangaab yahoow?
and we all know how gedo is settled. you can't take on veternan fadhi ku dirir if u don't know basic facts.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Go capture our deegaans in the kismayo countryside we dominate. theres some of us in jamaame theres a start. I reckon you guys are salivating over how much trees you can cut down for kenya to export

I heard the Marehan/reer Dinni in Kismayo and Jilib are living the life. They have their guns ready. :siilaanyolaugh:
they took your wajir go get it back boy. wajiir is 99% hawiye
are u stupid. lol the wajir representative in kenya is ogaden , surely that wouldn't happen in a 99% hawiye deegaan.
why do you only settle in abudwaq and balnbale in galgaduud? what happened to dhuusomareeb?
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