AJAN is 'Azania'?

I think shungwayah was in lamu archipelago instead and tunni migrated down from juba? I thought them and their other digil kins migrated down from shabelle.
Yes, tunni has nothing to do with shungwaya nor do they claim it in their oral history, the digil tunnis claim their ancestors originally migrated from eastern Ethiopia, following modern day juga river, just like the rest of digil tribes , they were then later on joined by groups from other tribes over the centuries such as garre, cawrmale, hawiye & other Digils .

Shungwayah is a swahili origin mythology. It is basically Southern Somali tribes migrating down and settling on the northern swahili coast . It has nothing to do with northern Somalia or farming on that end.

Spoke about this in greater detail in a recent thread
I read that book before. He actually posits in the book that Shungwayah traditions is most likely just Somali tribes that came to be known as ''Katwa'' migrating down from Juba and carrying the memories of where they came from.


The only community with a sizeable camel population are Somalis. oromo's never originally owned camels even or neither did other southern cushitic speakers. So it's explains itself what the early Northern Swahili coastal populations might have looked like if we go by archeology. A mix of Somali and Bantu speakers

Somalis are also interwoven in a lot of the Northern Swahili origin stories alongside Bantu groups like Segeju, Mijikenda etc and they shared power with the Swahili bantu ruling class in places like Lamu and Siyu until the 18th century.

Tunni's oral tradition states they lived on the Juba River, then moved south and settled between Kismaayo and Lamu. This suprisingly also agrees with both written, archeological and linguistic evidences
That same Oral tradition you can find it qouted by Derek Nurse who is a prominent Swahili researcher and linguist in his study: When Northern Swahili met southern Somali:

And he was amazed with how much the linguistic evidence agrees with the oral story: (ND=Northern Swahili)

During the days of Adal and the Portuguese, Ajan was referred to the southern kingdoms with Mogadishu being its main one while Adal was the northern.



^Ajan and Aiaua ( Hawiye)


^ Same thing again



^Ajan & Haouya ( Hawiye in French)


^Ajan with Mogadishu as one of its main towns


^ Same thing again. Ajan’s principal towns are Mogadishu and Brava
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