Al-Shabaab denies NISA claim that they killed NISA CyberSecurity Head Ikran Tahlil and they claim Govt. did it.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Its true sxb. Laakinse waqtigeeda ayaa la gaare sxb.

Yes! Walhtigeega ba la gaaray just like how some folks jump from the Golden Gate Bridge adeero. They also were seeking death.


Veni Vidi Vici

That kursi was hot, wanted by a lot, both diaspora and natives.

Look, You cannot disappear from certain areas in Somalia and still blame AS. No excuse, in fact, its a lie. AS ain't this almighty nor are they capable of entering such zones. Even if you pay off half, its still not possible. Green Zone, Halane, NISA Compound, Villa Somalia, Airport, all are zones which nobody can easily enter. Y'all truly overestimate AS capabilities.


Veni Vidi Vici
:deadrose: :jcoleno: :damn:

My lottery

she was unknown to me but if she was prominent I would’ve drafted her. Rip to her. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto

none the less, I call that suicide
What happened to the lottery? Did you foreshadow this abti :ufdup:


Mahad salaad writes a long post about what he knows about the girls Kidnapping. Masha allah hawiye mps and journos are not letting up.

He says fahad tried to pass her on to shabaab but certain GJ higher ups said we're not taking her :francis:
I do not believe any of these people. If she was alive, they’d release her. It smells like government paying YouTubers to say things. None of them spoke on it before why are they all making videos now?


I do not believe any of these people. If she was alive, they’d release her. It smells like government paying YouTubers to say things. None of them spoke on it before why are they all making videos now?
Dahir calasow has been on it since the start tbf. Her own mp jeesow spoke like someone thats scared for his life aka a h0e so good luck to gaaljecel. I hope they kidnap some people after the 3 days because a 24 year old going missing like that aint acceptable.


Forza Somalia!
What if the Gov used a deep fake A.I to make a video of her saying whatever the Gov like? It would have been a smart, risky unethical move
So Farmaajo and Fahad are ignoring her mother's calls, who is surprised by this? They couldn't even more suspicious if they tried. If this was any other country, government officials would be on national tv and speak out about their employee that was kidnapped and offer up large rewards.

I wish her mother peace and patience and that Ikran Tahlil is safe.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
So Farmaajo and Fahad are ignoring her mother's calls, who is surprised by this? They couldn't even more suspicious if they tried. If this was any other country, government officials would be on national tv and speak out about their employee that was kidnapped and offer up large rewards.

I wish her mother peace and patience and that Ikran Tahlil is safe.
She was kidnapped by AS and executed near Dhoobleey. NISA already informed her mother but shes in denial. AUN nothing to do with Farmajo and Fahad

