Al Shabab foreign funder works at Sainsbury

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Suicidal men adore me.


"He said their brother was determined to sacrifice his life alongside others fighting to create an 'Islamic Emirate of Somalia'"
British people are strange.

They defend their justice system and believe it is better than many in the world. This man has served his time and has been 'rehabilitated' and now he is out he has actually scored a job so he can get on with his life. And people are 'outraged'? If you don't feel safe with him on the streets, keep him in jail indefinitely. What on earth do they actually want? How is he any safer in a non-Sainsbury's job role? He is still a free man who can come into contact with the public any time he chooses.

Also, why did he serve only 3 out of 10 years? What was the evidence they had that he was 'funnelling' money to AS? You realise the absolute buffoonery happening in wadankeena, right? People are being accused of being Shabaab left, right and centre and any old faarax ayaa xabsiga lagu tuuraa and then hooyo comes running to bail him out. And guess who gets paid by commission to fill up the prisons and then gets paid extra bail money by worried parents? These specific men - I forget their acronym. Anyway, bottom line: wadankeena is getting screwed and if these hypocrites believe in their own justice system they should leave this guy alone.
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